Silk Skirt - Sun on Elastic: Master Class


Sun skirt is relevant today more than ever! She is worn at any time of the year. In the trend - the Sun skirt from translucent fabrics, reliating on top of the losine and with sports shoes.

Sun skirt goes to everyone, the main thing is to choose a plastic, easily draped material and the desired skirt length. The skirt is longer, the more profitable it looks. Today, the Sun skirt is popular in the floor on a decorative elastic band. It is not difficult to sew it, if all the steps of this master class comply with it, even a beginner seamstress will cope with it.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

You will need: drape, flying, plastic tissue - 4 skirt lengths with 140-150 cm width.

In my case, this is a satin silk. Atlas looks great in drapes, overflow and plays. And the silk does not have to take natural. Now there are a lot of Italian artificial silk, which in appearance is practically not distinguishable from natural, but for the price very wins.

You can also take a chiffon, batter, lightweight cotton, swim fabrics made of mixed fibers. You do not need to take only dense and heavy fabrics, they will be badly kept on the rubber band.


✂ Decorative wide gum (at least 5 cm in width);

✂ scissors;

✂ centimeter and ruler;

✂ Pins and needles for manual works;

✂ threads in the color of the fabric;

✂ Paper for pattern, it should be enough for two half of the sun - semicircles.

Step 1. Decatizing fabric

If the skirt is assumed to wash, then the fabric is better to soak in warm water, squeeze, let it dry and rejuvenate from the inside.

If the skirt is out of expensive and delicate tissues and it is supposed to be given in dry cleaning, then you can simply fly the cloth with an inside with an iron with a ferry.

Artificial silk and tissue with natural fiber content less than 50% can not be decorating.

Step 2. Build Pattern Skirt Skirt

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

To do this, we need to measure the volume of hips, yes - yes, hips! After all, the skirt will be without a fastener and should be easy to wear.

We still need a skirt length. We simulate it from the waist to the floor without shoes, if it is a skirt to the floor.

The first radius for the gum is determined like this:

Girth of hips divide by 6.3

R1 = rev / 6.3

The second radius is equal to the length of the skirt plus the first radius

R2 = R1 + Skirt Length

Blacks both radius from one point on paper. It is better to immediately make two semicircles, it will be easier to cut fabric.

Step 3.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

For cutting, it is necessary to decompose the fabric into one layer with an invalid to the top and decompose the two parts of the pattern in the mirror image. You can draw skirt right on the fabric, but it is easier to lighten with the pattern.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Clean the skirt with the allowance of 1 cm.

Step 4.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Top sections of two parts to collect and tie with any braid. Details to hang for a couple of days for having a couple of days. In order for the process to go faster, you can mix the fabric from the spray gun.

Step 5.

Gum wrap around the waist so that it is not too tight, but not weak. It must be comfortable in the sock. Add 5 cm and cut off.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Ends of gum must be sewn. A thick rubber band is better to sew the flashes, imposing one edge to another.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Choose a stitch zigzag on the typewriter. This is a stitching, which for each side of the zigzag is made several stitches.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

The ends of the gum are touched into the tone of the rubber band: one - from the front side, the other - from the inside. Such a line is less noticeable than a simple zigzag and well keeps the edge of the rubber band from rash.

Step 6.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Start the seams of skirt, holding a tensioned tissue under a paw, as satin tissues will be collected in the seams.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Roasting seams, stretching the cloth with a pin on the ironing board. You can immediately after the iron press the seam with a pad or bar for iron (this is called "Standing seam"). Let cool the seam, only then remove the skirt from the board, removing the pins.

Step 7.

Seams can be processed differently. You can in fine fabric (chiffon, batter, fastened silk) make French seams.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

I processed them overlock, as the edges of the points in the atlas are slightly twisted. French seam would have been fat.

Once again, the seams of the shutter are lathey, as in step 7, (so as not to be wrinkled) and give them to cool.

Step 8.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Bend to the front side of the skirt upper battery, it is necessary to start it and rest.

Step 9.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Select the elastic band and the top edge of the skirts by pins, dividing them into 8 equal parts (folded the gum in half, then once again in half, pins in the folds. Similarly, to do with the top edge of the skirt).

Step 10.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Fulment to the top edge of the skirt on the inner side of the gum, adjacent cuts to the rubber band.

As the edge of the skirt is wider than gum, it will lie with influx, but the influxes will be uniform throughout the circumference.

Step 11.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Put the elastic band under the paw, folded the needle to the edge of the flap of the fabric. The fabric is waves.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Stretch the rubber band, set up the top of the skirt on the gum straight line.

You can be touched by a zigzag, but it will stretch the edge of the gum, it will break the wave, besides the zigzag will be visible from the face.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

That's what happened. The fabric gathered on a gum, without stretching it, the line is not visible from the front side.

Step 12.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

We pave the second line below, along the edge of the gum, also stretching the gum. It will close the impressive allowance and make the seam stronger in the sock.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

View from face. Strits are invisible. Gum lies smoothly.

Step 13.

It remains to align the bottom. It's the most important.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

This is so unevenly unscrew the skirt in a few days.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

We wear a skirt on a mannequin or on yourself and place the length of the skirt by a centimeter from above, or focus on the shortest place - it is a seam, since it is on the equity and did not stretch.

You can ask for an assistant to place the bottom from the floor line. It is better to wear shoes with which the skirt will be worn.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

And you can use the fixture of the leveling of Niza. It is sold in the stores "Sewing World". This is a tripod on the basis of which the slider is moving with a tank for chalk. A corrugated soft pump is attached to the runner.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

The device is attached to the chalk powder, which is poured into the container on the tripod. Chalk is sold and separately, and different colors. If the chalk is over, you can buy a spare. And you can graze a piece of ordinary school chalk in the powder.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

The runner on the rod is set to a closure with markup on the skirt, press on the corrugated pump, the powder blows into the gap and the tissue remains a thin chalk track.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Turning the skirt, mark so the bottom. You can use the device, putting the skirt on yourself. We stand next to the device, slowly turning and press on the pump - the slider leaves the track.

There is another way - to pull a thin lace in the doorway at the desired height, grate it with chalk and twist next to it in the skirt so that the fabric touches the cord. The lace will leave the trail.

Step 14.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

We remove the skirt, lay it on the surface and cut down the bottom on the markup.

Step 15.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

It remains to handle the bottom skirt. There are several ways. The easiest is the role-playing seam on Overlock. How to install it, tells the instruction to the overlock. In different models, it is installed in different ways.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Start and end the line is better before the seam, so the ends will be less noticeable.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Thread tips need to be dissolved and tied. So the seam's joint will be impaired.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

View of the finished role-playing seam from the face.

Step 16.

If there is no overlock, you can run a typewriter.

But in this skirt I do not want the edge of the fabric to be further stretched by the line, sufficiently Fald of the skirt itself. Therefore, I show a little differently:

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

On the edge of the skirt, you need to lay a line that will not give stretch out the edge when processing.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

On line, the allowance to take off to the wrong one and root.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Thrings to lay a small and frequent zigzag, like in the loop. One puncture of the needle into the fabric, the other - next to the folding behind the cloth.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Cut the battery close to the line.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

It turns out a narrow and durable seam, which is practically impaired, if you choose a thread well. He is even thinner role-playing seam.

It remains resting the bottom of the skirt.

How to sew a silk sun skirt on elastic band

Here is such a beautiful skirt-sun with us. The bottom does not stretch, smooth and lies with uniform Faldami.

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