Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...


Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

Do you know the situation when a lot of cases have accumulated, and the desires of them immediately do not at all? "Then I will do" - here is the main Savior in such a situation. If you find out yourself, then you suggested Procrastination - That is, a banal laying of work for later!

Just do not confuse it with the usual laziness. Laziness "This is when you just don't want to do anything and don't even worry about this." In the case of procrastination, you realize the importance of the case, but they are not in a hurry to do it, because there is no mood, not with that legs stood, not those stars or planets did not come together ...

Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

As a result of constant postponation of cases, well-being deteriorated, the level of vital energy decreases, the person becomes irritable and very nervous. It's time to fight this! Fortunately, there is a very simple way, How to overcome procrastination . It is called "Rule of two minutes."

Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

About this technique wrote David Allen in his book "How to bring things to order. The art of productivity without stress. " Also popularizes such a strategy that helps to complete the case to the end and at the same time produce good habits , businessman, athlete and traveler photographer James Clear. These people skillfully practice the "Rule of two minutes", but now the turn has reached you!

The essence of the rule is simple: a lot of tasks that we postpone for later, it is very easy to do at the moment. You only need time, and very short - only two minutes. So come to the point!

Rule two minutes

Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

If the task takes less than two minutes, I decide right now

In fact, a lot of things can be done immediately. Wintering dust, pour vases, congratulate a friend Happy Birthday - Why post such minor tasks for later? Then there will be no time ... If you can cope with just two minutes and less, then act now! If longer is at least enter the list of cases that can be performed a little later.

Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

All new beginnings should occupy no more than two minutes.

If you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes. No, we are not talking about achieving a goal for such a short time! But two minutes will be enough to just start acting.

New habits are difficult to develop immediately. Two minutes for starters, then a little more - and gradually you will acquire the desired skill.

Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

Two-minute start for big goal

According to the same scheme, the rule applies when it comes to new tasks. Of course, in 120 seconds you will not immediately fulfill them, but make the beginning to action. It will take two minutes - and you will not even notice how I got into a new business! Such a little start will help you continue go to the target.

Magic rule of two minutes! So what is the secret of success ...

Do not consider the "rule of two minutes" by solving all problems - it is just a convenient technique that will help you simplify the working day. Applying the rule in practice, you will have a good time. What can we talk about increasing your Personal efficiency!

I noticed that someone from your friends is in a hurry Perform scheduled cases - So share with them this advice. Only as the rule, do it for two minutes!

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