Someone can come in handy!


Someone can come in handy!

Special point on the finger.

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If you are not just bad, but Khrenovo, put on the point and keep a long time. Reduces sharp pressure,

Normalizes many things.

Consciousness clarifies, in the eyes it will become clear.

In the ears - on the verge of the ring.

This is used in military medicine.

And there the treatment from the usual is very different.

There is extreme medicine. There you need to do everything quickly, quickly restore, quickly stop,

quickly raise on your feet.

The point is on the middle finger on the pad ..

Sooo painful .. keep long -1 minutes

But, but, then any pain goes away.

Other pain goes from the spine.

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Gelatin from pain in the joints - just an unreal effect!

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Miracle recipe for pain in the joints !! Tested, there is a result !!!

This recipe: buy in any grocery store 150 g. (For the course) of ordinary gelatin, refer to the jar and in the evening in a quarter of a glass of ice water poured two teaspoons without top (about 5 g), stir and leave up to morning.

The meaning is that he will swell and dissolve in jelly per night. In the morning, drink an empty stomach, adding juice or water with sugar, or without (but not boiling water, just warm).

It acts so that in a week a person who has previously complained of pain in the legs, back, neck - they cease to notice!

The course is a month, in a year repeat. This is a way to restore the "lubricant" in the joints, and the normal operation of many organs depends on normal joints (everything is connected in the body).

The only "but" is too simple, do not believe!

Dear pill with pain - yes, the chemistry is drugs at high prices, of course, and such a primitive, safe treatment that requires the same daily effort (pour, drink) - confidence does not inspire.

And I did not know about it!: ((


If a mobile bank is attached to the Sberbank of Russia to your account, then when you stop using the SIM card, turn off the mobile bank, because it is subsequently when you are 130 days do not use this mobile number, this number will be transferred to another person who will enjoy They will have access to your account at their discretion, through the 900 service !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A mold appears in the washing machine from time to time.

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On the Internet found several ways to get rid of it, which, in general, are reduced to the processing of the internally by means containing chlorine.

First used for these purposes solely "Domasestos", and then realized that any modern cleaning products give the same effect.

Therefore, I clean the liquid tool that is at the moment there is at hand. You will need: liquid cleaning agent, preferably with chlorine. 2 household napkins or sponges that do not mind then throw away. Dense shopping gloves. 25 grams of food citric acid.

Step by step decision:

1. About the fact that the mold started in the machine, you understand not immediately, erases myself and erases. Paid things smell like washing powder, but when the machine stands with a closed door, an unpleasant smell appears. In addition, it is necessary to turn off the rubber, as a look appears this unpleasant picture.

2. Check the napkin. The result is obvious, it is necessary to clean

3. At first, by any napkin simply remove with the rubber gasket that dirt that can be removed.

4. Then, as I have already written, take any liquid cleaning agent and apply it to rubber wherever we can get.

5. Then carefully distribute the cleaning agent for the folds of the rubber gasket.

6. Close the door of the machine and leave it for 2 hours.

7. After this time, we turn on the rinsing mode and put the cleaning agent from the machine.

8. This is already enough, the control napkin remained clean.

9. But since we did a typewriter, but why not make the prophylactic cleaning of the drum lemon acid. In the compartment for washing powder, we fall asleep the bag (25 Gy) of ordinary food citric acid.

10. Turn on the machine to the hottest washing mode, I have 95 degrees. When he ended, even my old machine looked much more decent. Please note: Unfortunately, this method, I can not completely get rid of the mold fungus, and only on time to scatter it. Although I almost wipe the rubber after each washing and trying between the washers to keep the door to the machine open, approximately 1 time per year I have to clean the washing machine that is so simple.

How to get rid of chemistry in vegetables and fruits?

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From nitrates and pesticides, you can partially get rid of: for this, vegetables and fruits need to be flocked correctly and clean.

CABBAGE. Most of the nitrates are contained in the upper cabbage leaves and numor, so they need to be thrown away.

POTATOES. In potatoes, nitrates are going under the leather and in the core of the tuber, so after the potatoes boiled, the water must be merged.

Zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants. The cucumbers in color should be gentle - herbal color, if they are dark green, this suggests that they have been reconciled by nitrates. The first zucchini and eggplants need to be cleaned from the peel. Cut the frozen area is the most poisonous place.

Green, salad, parsley, dill. Most chemistry accumulates in the residences, cutters - no need to eat it. Greens always rapidly absorbs nitrates and before adding it into dishes, extract for an hour in the water.

Tomatoes. The thicker the peel of the tomato, the more it contains chemistry. Do not buy orange tomatoes - red as if misunderstood. White pulp and thick bodies on a cut is a large content of chemistry. And if you still have low-quality tomatoes, hold them in cool water about 1 hour.

Grapes. In order for grapes to be kept for a long time, it is treated with fungicides. To get rid of this substance, the grapes are quite well to wash.

Watermelons. Do not buy watermelons cut in half and wrapped into the film is a good basis for breeding bacteria and microbes. If the watermelon has a thick yellowish shade of a streak, it means it fell. You can spend a small test: Put the flesh for one minute into a glass with water, if the water changed the color - it means the watermelon was fed, if it simply cloudy - the berry is clean.

Pear and apples. By purchasing fruit, take them in hand, if you feel that fruit slippery and sticky, then they are processed by diphenyl so that they do not spoil and have been kept for a long time. In the European Union, USA, diphenyl is prohibited due to its strong carcinogenic and allergenic properties. Diphenyl-processed fruits need to be cleaned from the peel.

Beets, carrots, radish. A huge number of nitrates is contained in the tops and the tips of the root crops, cut them off before use. Do not get beets with twisted tails. Carrots cut 1 cm tail, green parts need to trim completely, it contains a large number of chemicals.

To minimize the amount of chemistry used, you need to choose vegetables and fruits grown on the SIS expanses. They are many times "cleaner" imported. We do not use mineral fertilizers in such quantities, for the simple reason that our manufacturers have no money to purchase fertilizers in such quantities as, for example, buy minudging in America, Holland, the Netherlands, Turkey. And the maximum permissible norms of the concentration of nitrates in America and are significantly different, for example, beets 3,600 mg / kg, and we take the beets already at 1400mg / kg.

The most contaminated vegetables and fruits come to us from Holland, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, they have poor earth and she simply cannot give a rich harvest without a significant number of fertilizers. And in safe quantities containing chemicals in vegetables and fruits grown in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Bulgaria.

An ordinary deodorant helped cope with what worried me for many years!

If you at least once rubbed the inner surface of the hip when walking, then you understand how painful and unpleasant it is ... The cause of grounding, dermatitis, irritation and fungus on the skin in this zone can serve as special body anatomy and overweight. Also in the risk area, those who have a lot to walk in hot weather.

In grace and dark pigment stains in such intimate places will disappear and will not appear again if you use this means. Brilliant summer reception!

Waste between foot

The main cause of the lability is skin sweating in this tender zone. To protect yourself, try to take advantage of the usual roller or solid deodorant. It is better to choose a cosmetic tool, which includes talc. Apply it on dry skin after the soul in the morning, and you will be delighted with the effect!

Also worth paying attention to the clothes you wear. Choose a natural fabric that misses moisture well and does not begin to injure the skin even with a long walking. "Pasta Teymurova" will also perfectly cope with irritation on the legs in this area.

If dark spots on the legs still appeared, and you're going to relax on the beach, try the alcohol solution of calendula with water 1: 1. Lasure affected skin area at night, and they will already live in the next morning!

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