What else can WD-40


What else can WD-40

What is just about our favorite VD-Schoque wrote. And all that she can and she all knows how and who only does not have it in the farm.

But that's what I did not expect at all, so it's that she can even:

What else can WD-40

It has long been noticed that the smell of universal lubricant WD-40 very attracts fish, especially predatory. The fact is that the smell of this lubricant is very similar to the smell of fresh fish. Many experienced fishermen use WD-40 as an attractant, sprinkling her spinning bait - Wobblers, brillows and silicone. Sometimes even fresh fish, which is used as a lively, is also treated with this lubricant - WD-40 not only enhances the fishery "aroma", but also masks the smell of man, which is very positively affected by catching a cautious predator.

Attraho (from lat. Attraho attracting to himself) - natural or synthetic substances that cause them to move their motion to the source of the smell perceive.

The substances of the wildlife attractant are found in insects, nematodes, spine-shaped, crustaceans, fish, mammals, in algae. In one of the videos of the Shcherbakov brothers, there was a speech about VD-40, as about the flavor, which is jumped into bait. And so for some reason attracts kerosene fish, and he is in VD over 90%.

Of the interesting bars you can select a triple pure kerosene and cologne, also on crucia acts positively. And many were heard about inheritant but did not try.

What else can WD-40

Now - about what is WD-40. In the wonderful glossy-technical magazine Wired, the results of the WD-40 chromatographic analysis are provided - as it should be in the glossy-technical edition, with Chikhanki and Hahanki. They say, in the "Supersmam" contains potato hormones and cockroacan pheromones. It arises, however, the question is where they are not contained? The accurate composition of WD-40 is allegedly the "firm secret" and therefore this liquid is not patented - in order not to disclose it. True, as it should be in the United States, the manufacturer partially discloses this composition in the safety data sheet - this is a mixture consisting of 50% White spirit (Ligroin, an oil solvent - there are many names), 15% mineral oil (by the way, rather fluid), 25 % Carbon dioxide (this is a displacer) and 10% of "inert ingredients" (that is, every rubbish). In the "European" document with a similar content indicates the content of 60-80% of naphtha (rectangular gasoline, ligroin - in general, gasoline production waste).

In principle, the composition is not surprising - kerosene and the like substances, the main component of WD-40, was used to turn off the nailed nuts "from ancient times." A small amount of oil - definitely does not hurt, do not spoil porridge. Actually, the notorious "40 attempt" concluded, apparently, in the selection of the ratio of these well-known components. Add extremely successful packaging - an aerosol can - and get a really convenient tool, but not a "supersmad", as described in Wired. Everything else is the case of extremely successful marketing, which includes the design of showcases in stores, and successful bright packaging, and articles in glossy-technical magazines. When next time you go to the car shop to buy WD-40, ask - maybe there is some LM-40 on the next shelf - a similar liquid made by Liqui Moly, or HG-40 - "carbonated kerosene" of the pseudo-American company Hi-Gear , or even the domestic "unise". But what is there to say - almost any "liquid key" in composition will be very similar to WD-40 - and most importantly, usually "analogues" is 2-3 times cheaper.

What else can WD-40

WD-40 is the name of the American company and the trademark of the famous aerosol preparation developed by Norman Larsen in 1953 for Rocket Chemical Company in San Diego, California. Initially, the drug was designed for industrial consumers as a water-repellent tool preventing corrosion. Later it was found that it also has many opportunities for domestic use.

The WD abbreviation is decrypted as English. Water Displacement, and figures 40 indicate that, according to corporate legend, the product formula was developed with a fortieth attempt. The product consists mainly of various hydrocarbons. WD-40 was first used in CONVAIR to protect the outer sheatting of the atlas from corrosion. On the shelves of San Diego stores, the product first appeared in 1958.

By the way, there is another famous WD. Western Digital Corporation (NYSE: WDC) is a company, computer electronics manufacturer. The most famous for the production of internal and external rigid disks, network drives.

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