Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle


Accidentally on the Internet came across a miracle invention to clean the IL. For us, this problem is always relevant, that would be a solution!

The detailed instruction on how to clean the drain with the help of a conventional 2-liter bottle of water or soda is translated. This is a big saving time and money. So we take a bottle, a knife, a marker, striped for measure to dress the Mario Cap and for business.


Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle

We take the 2nd bottle, remove the label. Apply a ribbon 2 cm width to the bottle, and begin to apply the spiral marker.

Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle

Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle

Start cutting the bottle top.

Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle

Since the lower part is more stronger, we will make the handle from it.

Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle

Make notches at equal intervals, it is best to make scissors under 45 degrees. Sexing should not be made deep.

Plum cleaning with a plastic bottle

Final action, tighten the spiral into your drain before colliding with the reasons and with the help of the handle start dragging the "gifts".

Thanks to the author for the advice! And you - thanks for your attention!

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