10 effective ways to check the quality of products


10 effective ways to check the quality of products

Bought wine at an attractive price and are not sure of his quality? Doubt the freshness of eggs, which have long been lying in your refrigerator? This post will help you check all dubious products.

1. Eggs

10 effective ways to check the quality of products
Fresh egg, if you lower it into a glass with water, lay down on the bottom on the side. Eggs of weekly prescription will pop up with a blunt end up, and the product aged 2 to 3 weeks will "hang" in the water with a blunt end up. Not a fresh egg will pop up to the surface. Should I say that the latter is impossible in no case?

Buy only fresh eggs: the date of manufacture and expiration date are shown on the package. Store in the refrigerator they are optional: it will be enough to leave them at room temperature.

2. Creamy oil

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

Check the quality of the creamy oil is very simple: if you board a piece of real product, it migrates and blossoms, but Margarine will split into pieces.

Remember that in the composition of natural cream oil there are only two ingredients: whole milk and cream. If you buy oil on the market for weight, pay attention to its color (it should be not too yellow and not white, as a sheet), a consistency (good oil is solid and smooth to the touch, on a slice - without bundles and does not crumble) and the shelf life : Running cow oil is stored no more than 10-15 days.

3. Smetana

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

Some manufacturers are used to improve the consistency sour cream starch. Its presence is very easy to reveal at home: iodine or luggol mix with a small portion sour cream and watch the reaction. Poor-quality sour cream containing starch will leave.

If sour cream contains a carrageenan stabilizer (a special artificial additive, which is added to be added to product thickening), thugs, grains and even lumps are formed in it.

You can check the sour cream on vegetable fats in the following way: spread the spoon of sour cream in a glass of hot water. Fats will swim on the surface in the form of white clots.

4. Milk

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

You will need a little to check the quality of milk at home. First, iodine: if you add a few drops of iodine solution into the milk and it is painted in blue, you will be sure to keep the starch in the product - it is added to give the milk of thickness.

Secondly, milk, diluted with water, exposes with alcohol. Dilute 1 part of the milk in 2 parts of the alcohol and shake the mixture for 1 minute. If, pouring a mixture on a saucer, you will immediately see white flakes in milk - a quality product. If the flakes appear with a big delay or will not appear in general - milk is diluted with water.

5. Cottage cheese

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

To test the cottage cheese for the presence of starch in it, you will need all the same iodine. The scheme for detecting a poor-quality product is appropriate, the same as in the case of sour cream and milk. Drip a little iodine on a piece of cottage cheese: a poor-quality product will fall, natural paints in red color.

Some manufacturers add vegetable fats to their cottage cheese: Leave some cottage cheese at night at room temperature, and you will see how cottage cheese with palm or coconut oil in the composition was covered with a yellow crust.

6. Med.

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

Honey - hardly does not often suffer from all kinds of fakes the product. What is not added to it in order to increase the weight and volume of the product: both chalk, and starch, and water, and flour.

The presence of chalk is detected by acetic acid: dissolve honey in water and add a slightly acetic acid. Foaming and hissing product - poor quality.

If you put a little honey on paper, and it will spread and forms around a big wet trail, do not doubt: it is exactly water.

7. Fish

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

Buying fresh fish can turn into a real lottery if you do not know which nuances should pay attention to when choosing this perishable product.

Unlike eyes of a homogeneous color, a whole, intact scales and reddish gills - signs of fresh, safe for the health of fish. The meat from high-quality fish should be pinkish, in no way brown. If you are still in doubt, lower the fish in the pelvis with water: the fresh fish at diving will take the water.

8. Meat

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

In the fresh, good meat should not be any foreign fluid, blood or mucus. The pieces should be smooth and elastic, color - bright red, meat juice - transparent. Looked, unnaturally pink meat, most likely, was grown on growth stimulants.

Fresh meat is always dense with a slightly moistened surface, and poor-quality - wet or sticky, separating muddy juice. Press the finger on the meat cut: the resulting fossa in the fresh meat is quickly leveling, and on poor quality - it is not aligned at all.

9. Tsukata

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

Our favorite candies are digested in syrup, and after - dried. Not all manufacturers are adhered to this simple sequence of actions, as far as not all of them produce a cessy made from real fruits and berries.

To check the quality of the product, lower the candied in warm water. You will see that real fruits were replaced by gelatin and dyes, if the chunks became colorless or slightly dissolved in water.

10. Wine

10 effective ways to check the quality of products

The simplest check of wine on authenticity - with the help of ordinary food soda. A teaspoon of red wine pour into a bowl with a small amount of soda. Natural, high-quality drink will change the color, will become darker or even gray, and the fake will remain exactly the same as it was.

Pay attention to the amount of sediment (good wines necessarily contain the so-called winestone, after scolding the bottom), the smell and the appearance of the plug (drying, flowing or possessing a plugger tube - an indicator of poor-quality drink), and, of course, the taste of wine, which In no case should have a alcohol flavor.

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