Summer house


I decided to engage in the spring. Recently acquired a plot of land and began to build. I would like to apologize in advance for the quality of photographs, I shot at the old HTC, took off for myself, so to speak, for memory! Built one, there is no experience in construction, so it's strictly not to judge ...

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Six columns 500x500x800 and three columns in the middle of 150x150x800

Summer house house, construction

Cheered by bitumen mastic for waterproofing

Summer house house, construction

Bar 150x150mm

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Height 2500mm.

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Height of the attic 2000mm

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Wife and son ...

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

The length of the roof is 6800, and the length of the boards for the crate of 6000 ... I had to wise so that no extra rampances remain!

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Paulled the forest in parallel to get to the roof.

Summer house house, construction

The walls were swayed by a 150x25x6000 board, previously plastered them on the flight machine.

Summer house house, construction

Frames for windows and doors.

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Floor lags, board 150x50

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Summer house house, construction

Inside, I decided to insulate. Windproof, two layers of foam and OSB 9mm

Summer house house, construction

As a result, it turned out like this ...

Summer house house, construction

Everything that managed to do before the autumn, little things remained, but there are many of them ... until spring will wait!

The cost of the house is about 130,000 rubles, this is what I gave for building materials. He built himself, did not hire anyone (there was no money). Its size is 6x4m. Maybe someone will notice something for themselves, I will be happy !!!

Summer house house, construction

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