Another American was amazed by a seven of a Russian man. Anchoring story about the fence and vacuum cleaner ...


This American will tell friends for a long time and familiar to this person. What is wild for them, then for a Russian person is the usual thing!

Another American was amazed by a seven of a Russian man. Anchoring story about the fence and vacuum cleaner ...

I went my friend to my daughter in the USA. She has a country house there, kids, a beam, grass, everything is relied. My husband's daughter American. The normal dude is such, it seems that the call is.

Well, on the second day, a bottle of beer tells Americanos to my friend about his plans, like the money has accumulated money, I plan to make a low, you need to order a firm, all things ...

- And the hut actually firm? - Was there an ordinary Slavic question?

- Well, like a cheese, this is a construction, it is necessary to build professionals ..

After a few leading questions regarding the characteristics of the fence, and especially the cost of its construction in the United States, a familiar happily told Tommy to drive a demon, and we will build a fence without a firm by saving the cloud of money. There was no limit to surprise, because He knew that my familiar doctor was orthodontist, had a bunch of patents and other pieces of paper in his area. And then the fence!

The next day, purchasing sand, cement, boards and other crap, the fence of the face was miraculously born. This miracle came to see all men on the "district", a friend stupidly filled, Tom turned to tell passersby, without understanding where the orthodont was able to build a fence. (A ridiculous moment was like a dude, and it was silent so much - and how much did you say so much If you do not have the same level. He was a show of the rope with the ship))

And after a couple of days a friend saw how Tom was going to sit in a car, pulling out a car vacuum cleaner from the garage. To the question - where, Tommy are going to - Amerikos replied that she was going to the city, in the corporate service, here the wires were frightened, they turned around and they were bare, and now the vacuum cleaner does not work, although he replaced the wires and reached. Speaking, Tommy was incredibly proud)) a familiar hand showed Tommy to wait, he himself took the vacuum cleaner and went to the garage.

The reason was banal - closed the power wires and because of this, the fuse was burned with 10 amps, which is installed in the fork, which is shoved into the cigarette lighter. By promoting it and connecting the fuse with a wire, the familiar gave the vacuum cleaner Tommy. I wrote and showed - what to buy a fuse and where to shove it. Summer later told that giving a vacuum cleaner - I saw Tommy's glance, as if he was a fireman who took a child from a burning building and conveys his mother who was fighting in hysterics)

Tom was affixed for the fence, and during the simplication asked - where did you get such skills? A friend answered how we love to talk:

"You see, Tommy, you read the manual and then collect anything, and we first collect, and then, if not working, read the manual"

P.S. My daughter wrote in a month that Dad became the idol Tommy, and Tommy invites him Hawaii for fishing

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