More people such as Tong - they make this world better!


At first, many considered Tonga Fuok Fuka Crazy - even his own wife, thanks to which, in fact, everything began. And then to his house on the outskirts of Nha Tranga, people were drawn - confused girls, and notifications about remittances and letters with gratitude were taken to the mailbox.

Today, no one else considers Tonga anymore. He is called "Father Vietnam". For 15 years, this man adopted 100 children who threatened death before birth.

Abortions in Vietnam - the case is usual. Most often, the mother gets rid of future girls - despite the fact that in Vietnam it is forbidden to recognize the sex of the child with the help of an ultrasound. But doctors and patients find a way to circumvent the law. The doctor may, for example, inform the patient that the kid "is very similar to mom." This means: there will be a girl, and then, most often, there will be no one ...

This man considered a crazy even his own wife and only after 15 years she learned the shocking truth ....

In 2001, Vietnamese Tong Fok Fuk came to the hospital with his pregnant wife. Then he noticed the door in which pregnant women periodically entered. And leaving the room, sleeved tears that glittered in their eyes. When the meaning of what was happening, there was no limit to Tonga, his indignation was, and the man decided to act ...

"I will help those who are difficult. I do not know how, but I will definitely. We will come up with something together. Just do so that they live! "

This man considered a crazy even his own wife and only after 15 years she learned the shocking truth ....

Tong did not understand how you can not give your own child a chance to appear on the light and not even bury him in human. For your own money, a man acquired a small plot of land to bury the unborn children from this clinic. Having received permission, Tong began to go to his mission ...

How did Tyumon succeeded - and it is possible - to convince hospitals staff to give him the so-called "abortive material", remains a mystery.

Family expenses, understandable, increased. He worked Tong by a construction contractor, the family had enough for life, but there was never unnecessary money. "What are you doing? - Wife spoke. She did not immediately recognize about the pit of her husband, and learning, came to horror. "Why do our savings go to the cemetery for an unknown one or, rather, what?". Tong has dismissed. Did not want to speak in such a tone.

On each plate - the Christian name of an unborn child. Especially a lot of Pavlov and Mari.

This man considered a crazy even his own wife and only after 15 years she learned the shocking truth ....

Today, the Tonga cemetery is resting more than seven thousand unrolved children, and the number of tiny graves increases every day. Sad and terrible place. But the story of Thong Fok Fuka is a story about life, and not about death. This is the story of joy that began with tears.

The strange cemetery began to recognize people. That and the case of Tong noted at the graves of female figures. They came here to cry for their children. With some Tonam managed to talk, ask to bring here other women who made an abortion.

One day the girl was knocked at the door of the house, very child. She also came to talk like the rest. With the difference that abortion has not yet done - only gathered. Wu was in the fourth month of pregnancy. She did not know what to do: if parents find out, and this will happen soon, they will drive it out of the house.

Stay, - Fucked. And the captured reproaches of the wives, expressed in the night in the kitchen whisper, could not fix anything. He took solutions quickly - and did not change. A few days later, another pregnant came, then ...

This man considered a crazy even his own wife and only after 15 years she learned the shocking truth ....

The wife never argued with her husband again. And their small brick house gradually began to turn into a shelter. The house was filled with shouts, writing and eternal steam from dried diapers with diapers.

Women who come here for help, give birth to a child, or take it with them, or leave, and then Tong adopts the baby.

And more often - fades. Today this awesome person has a hundred children!

Personal children go to kindergarten, which is right there, with the house (volunteers are working in it), those who are older to school. There is a Tonga and a farm, where he grows pigs and chickens for sale: some donations and income from two works lacking such a large family.

This man considered a crazy even his own wife and only after 15 years she learned the shocking truth ....

How he withstands it - the mind is incomprehensible. Tong is only smiling. He does not just not consider his life hard, he is happy. And he says: "I will continue this work to the last sigh. And I will do everything so that the children continue my business and helped everyone disadvantaged. "

More people such as Tong. They make this world better. If you agree with this opinion, will certainly share his story with your friends and acquaintances!

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