The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you


Want to add interior exclusive furniture? For this, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money. Sometimes it is enough to dig in the old garage, a grandmother at the cottage or to save Avito.

Designer Victoria Korotsky told about several ways to restore old furniture, which will be easy to apply themselves.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

7. Lakovka

If the piece of furniture is preserved in a fairly good condition, it is possible to update it a bit with a varnish. To do this, it is necessary to disassemble the furniture for the components, wash them and polish in the direction of the wood pattern. Special attention is paid to hard-to-reach places - corners and decorative elements. Varnish must be applied in two or three layers.

Note that different varnishes can give a different end result. For example, water-based varnishes will retain the original color of the tree, and Uretan alkyd will make it darker.

If the furniture has already been lacquered or painted, the old layers must be previously needed. To do this, you can use the means for removing paints and varnishes or scraper.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

6. Painting

One of the most simple ways to revive the old furniture is her painting. Before proceeding with staining, remove the old layer of paint or varnish, if it is present. Put the surface you need to Occhat and Protect.

After drying the first paint layer, use the sandpaper once again and apply the pigment again. When choosing paint, repel from the material from which furniture is made.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

5. Decoupage

Decoupage is a kind of applique. Updating furniture occurs by gluing special decoupar napkins with prints or sweater, such as wallpaper. Sometimes tissue, lace or skin.

This method is suitable not only for decorating wood, but also glass, metal or plastic surfaces. For fastening the selected drawing requires special adhesive for decoupage.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

4. Craklers (parting)

This technique is suitable for wooden furniture, which does not have significant damage. Deep scratches will not be able to hide in this way.

Before starting work, it is necessary to consider the old paintwork and primarily the surface of acrylic paint. After its complete drying, multiple varnish is used.

Notice that the width of the cracks will depend on the thickness of the lacquer layer - than it is thicker, the wider the cracks. After that, the furniture is covered with a layer of matte paint.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

3. Fiction

This method does not imply cardinal changes, but it will help to disguise small scratches on wooden furniture. If there is little damage, you can use a wax pencil, and if much is a special furniture wax. He not only disguises scratches, but also enrises the texture of the tree.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

2. Vinyl film

Vinyl film has water-repellent properties, so perfectly suitable for the furniture restoration in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Before pasting, all existing damage on the surface should be removed using a special putty.

When choosing a film, it is better not to save, since cheap options are easily damaged.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

1. Feathering

This method is suitable for restoration of upholstered furniture, the upholstery of which was damaged or outdated. If the sofa is drawn, the newcomer will be difficult, then, for example, with a chair, it is quite possible to cope.

On the Internet there are many master classes on this topic. The main thing is to choose a fabric corresponding to your interior.

The designer showed 7 options for the restoration of the old furniture and told what method it is for you

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