How to support order in the Indian village


Garbage is a big problem of India: ranging from plastic bottles and wrappers, ending with cow manure. But this does not apply to the village of Mulinnong. People here are so reverent about the order that they spend a huge amount of time for cleaning so that every centimeter of the village literally glittered purity.

How to support order in the Indian village

How to support order in the Indian village

How to support order in the Indian village

How to support order in the Indian village

Mulinnong first hit the news titles in 2003, when Discover Magazine journalist called him the most pure village of Asia. Having learned that everything here is from small children to the old people - concerned about the content of the village clean, the journalist decided to investigate this phenomenon and was literally struck. His article attracted attention: people from all over the world went to Mulinnong to see this example of the responsible environmental attitude.

How to support order in the Indian village

It sounds like a tricky marketing stroke to attract tourists, but in fact everything is much more difficult. For residents of Mulinnong, there is always cleanliness in priority. Nobody remembers exactly when it started. Some believe that the reason was the outbreak of cholera more than a century ago and it was she who prompted to follow the order that the disease did not spread. Others believe that the cause is the matrilinean nature of society. But one remains accurate - these values ​​are transmitted from the elderly to young for many generations.

How to support order in the Indian village

How do you support cleanliness in the village? The system is simple, but extremely effective. All residents are involved. Every morning all children boosted streets before class, devastated garbage baskets and sort garbage. The collected leaves are thrown into a large pit, where they turn into compost. Plastic is processed, and the rest of the garbage is burned. In general, smoking and the use of plastic are prohibited in the village, but sometimes it falls into the garbage because of tourists. Tourists are sometimes growing, but the locals do not scold them, but simply continue to maintain purity.

How to support order in the Indian village

How to support order in the Indian village

In this village, not only public places are shining cleanliness. In the residents of Mulinnong, the accuracy is so rooted that exceptional order is supported in every household.

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