11 unexpected ways of using metal washcloth


11 unexpected ways of using metal washcloth

Metal urochal is something eternal, the same as a plug of wine in an uncomfortable lid pan, or a pack of soda food. There is always there will always be. There are so many ways to use. Be sure to come in handy.

Here are collected useful and interesting lifehaks on the use of tin sponge not only for pans.

Moreover, today many saucepans and frying pan with new cries and tin sponge for them - death!

And so embark ...

1. Our first lifehak for animal lovers. Do you like your kitty or dog? Often bathe them? Are you not screwed to the wool in a bathroom plum or soul? So the next time in front of the bathing of a pet, put into the drain already used tin washcloth and it will collect all the wool on yourself. And wool you no longer hindrance ...

2. Did you not have desired guests in your house? Someone from rodents? For example, the mouse flaps to visit you through the gap? Load such slots by a metal sponge. Specify special attention to the slits near the cable or tickets and plinths. Taking advantage of this mouse advice, you will no longer bother you, because they are unable to blame the chips of metal, for a greater effect, a sponge in a hole can be made by construction foam.

3. We started repair or some rework and at hand there are no construction skins? It is not a misfortune because in the kitchen there will always be a metal sponge in some cases it is even more convenient if you work in difficult places. It is ideal for training before painting any subject.

4. And if we cut the sponge several times, our screenshes will be sharp as new.

5. Do you have a linoleum at home on which black traces from shoes or traces from chalk appeared? The tin sponge will cope with them with a bang!

6. What about the white sole of a ked or macashin? During socks darkened? You can return the original whiteness with the help of melanin sponge, but the metallic urine can be coped even faster.

7. The thread of the screw is ravored or is it just breathed in the hole? It is also possible to fasten it with a shallow metal sponge. Get it on the thread and screw the screw to the previous place.

8. Gathered to repaint the old rusty gate? And a rust appeared on the furnace or fireplace - the sponge is best suited to remove her traces.

9. Most often the sorry of the soldering iron is clean using a kitchen foam porous sponge. Have you tried to use a metal sponge? The results are impressive.

10. Do you need to quickly form a wooden surface and give her a more noble shade? Use a metal sponge, but with a small pile. It is torn into small parts, put into the jar, pour vinegar (ordinary or apple) and covered with a lid (approximate calculation: a whole sponge on 2-3 cups of pure vinegar). After a day, the sponge is dissolved in vinegar, and the "iron" acetate solution will be obtained. Such a mixture is covered with a tree with an ordinary painting tassel and are waiting for vinegar absorbing and destroyed. The result is very impressive!

11. Wheel disks are dirty again? There is a solution. With a small sponge, it is much more convenient to work more convenient than with a bulky car brush, and with the auto-shampoo it will easily cope with mud and fuel oil, and with rust.

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