Need to ignite the fire, and the lighter is empty? No problems!



Even the most incredible situation - you are away from the settlement, you need to ignite the fire, and the only one of your lighter turned out to be empty - should not find you surprise. We will offer you an interesting way of "survival in extreme conditions" with the help of a lighter that fully developed its gas supply. Do you think it is impossible? No, quite real.

Memore the algorithm of "mining of fire" with the help of useless, it would seem like a remedy - empty lighter.

1. Take into your hands and look at the lighter.

2. Disconnect the external active mechanism from the housing.

3. Pour from it the accumulated powder. It is formed as a result of friction of parts of the mechanism during the operation of the lighter.

4. From the plastic case, the lighters are put on a knife (or glass fragment) some amount of chips.

5. Mix the chips with the previously produced powder to create a flammable mixture.

6. Using the roller of the active mechanism in close proximity to the mixture, we create a spark.

There is a live fire! It remains to maintain him as you need it in order to warm up, gain strength and continue your way further.


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