How to perform secret seams manually


The secret seam, or, as it is also called, an invisible stitch, is an indispensable assistant if you need to manually sew two parts so that the line is not visible from the front side.

With the help of a secret seam, you can flawlessly complete the product, for example, to sew a hole for packing a toy or to turn out the product. On the front side of such a seam will be completely indistinguishable from the machine line!

About how to make a secret seam manually, read further in our master class.


  • Prepared product
  • Thread in tone and needle


How to perform secret seams manually

Insert the thread into the needle and make the knot. Punches must be neatly affected by the offline.

The needle should be removed from the wrong side so that the nodules hid in the fold, and the working thread went out exactly along the edge edge.

Next, move on the opposite direction and capture a needle of 3-6 mm fabrics, so that it turns out a straight stitch connecting two parts, and the needle came out on the front side for a new stitch.

Step 2.

How to perform secret seams manually

Move again to the opposite direction, capture 3-6 mm fabric and display the needle on the front side. Finishing the stitches, pull up the thread to pull the items, but do not overdo it in order not to tighten too much.

How to perform secret seams manually

Continue stitches until you close the hole.

Step 3.

How to perform secret seams manually

In order to complete the line, on the final stitch, the sale of the needle in the loop and tighten the knot. Repeat in the same place.

Several important subtleties: First, your stitches must be uniform, that is, it is strictly parallel to each other and located at the same distance. Do not take too much distance between stitches - otherwise these small sections will be noticeable on the finished product.

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