Kitchen resuscation: the easiest way, how to save the burnt frying pan (with the help of remedies)


How to get rid of traces in a frying pan with girlfriend

How to get rid of traces in a frying pan with girlfriend

Cooking is not only the finished food department in the supermarket, but also an excellent hobby. And at the same time very economical. True, no victims also do not. If you are slightly carried away during the creative experiment and burned the frying pan - do not despair. And in Emergency, remember these rules of "resuscitation" and salvation from Nagar traces.

It happens to everyone?

It happens to everyone?

Food burns even from experienced owners. And with this you just need to accept. And at the same time, always have a binary plan "B" and the way to efficiently get rid of traces of Nagar with the help of remedies.



For a quick resuscitation of the burnt frying pan, you will need:

1. Glass of vinegar;

2. 2 tablespoons of soda;

3. A glass of water

4. Hard urban scrub

Step 1

Pour into a water grid so to cover the bottom

Pour into a water grid so to cover the bottom

Step 2.

Add vinegar

Add vinegar

Step 3.

Put the frying pan on fire and bring to a boil

Put the frying pan on fire and bring to a boil

Step 4.

Remove the frying pan from the fire, add two spoons of soda and see how it is briskly bubble

Remove the frying pan from the fire, add two spoons of soda and see how it is briskly bubble

Step 5.

Pour the rattling mixture, and with it the dissolved particles of Nagara. Wash the frying pan as usual

Pour the rattling mixture, and with it the dissolved particles of Nagara. Wash the frying pan as usual

Step 6 (Additional)

If several stains stubbornly do not want to leave the frying pan, sweeten them with a rigid washcloth with a small amount of soda

If several stains stubbornly do not want to leave the frying pan, sweeten them with a rigid washcloth with a small amount of soda

Accidents, as if did not happen.

Accidents, as if did not happen.

A source

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