Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor


The smell is one of the main human feelings. We say that even partners we choose thanks to the smell, and the eaten products directly affect the smell of the body.

we found out which products are "to blame" in the unpleasant smell of the human body. Truly, we are what we eat.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

British scientist Charles Stewart Proved the relationship of unpleasant smell of body and tomatoes. He found that the aroma of the oil of the stems of tomatoes is similar to his own sweat and began to study this coincidence. Dr. Stuart noted that the smell of sweat affects the carotenoids and terpenes contained in tomatoes.

Research and experiments revealed direct communication Between the number of eaten tomatoes and other patient-containing products and the amplification of the smell of sweat. So moderation and once again moderation when using tomatoes.

Milk products

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Amazing but almost all population Southeast Asia and almost all US Indians suffer from lactose intolerance - these people are acutely lacking for digestive lactase. The rest of the inhabitants of the Earth can also be reduced the level of this enzyme, and this often leads to the formation of gases, the bloating of the abdomen or meteorism.

In some cases due to improper metabolism After milk, the sweat smells like a cabbage, and when the body cannot destroy leucine, isoleucine and valine included in dairy products, human biological fluids smell like maple syrup.

If a You do not have such symptoms Boldly drink milk - you will be healthy!

A fish

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

The fish contains a vague amount Vitamin A. . But in some kinds of fish, for example, trout or tuna, contains a lot of choline (vitamin B4), which admits a fish fragrance to the natural human smell. In some people, the food is rich in choline causes "fish smell syndrome" - trimethylaminoria, which is treated with a special diet and special drugs.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Broccoli, color and even Normal cabbage, In addition to undoubtedly useful potassium and antioxidants, contain a lot of sulfur, and it can make us get drump in the struggle for a pleasant smell.

Sulfur Split on substance, the unpleasant fragrance of which can be saved for several hours, it can also be the main suspect in the meteorism. It is not necessary to completely abandon the cabbage, because it is extremely useful, but it should still regulate its amount in the diet.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Exotic Durian grows in Southeast Asia Extremely smelly, but incredibly tasty fruit. The smell of ripened Duriana resembles at the same time the fishery, litter and ambit underwear, but the cream mass inside is simply divine, and it is a storage room of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and sulfur.

This fruit is generously divided with his scent And if you touch it with bare hands, it will be completely able to get rid of the smell for several days. A ban on eating Durian in public places is the usual thing in Singapore, Thailand and other countries of the region.

Food rich in fiber

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

These products include, for example, Grain Porridges, Bran, Nuts and Muesli . By themselves, they help the gastrointestinal tract, contain useful elements, but when used over the norm, it is stimulated by the formation of gases (methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide).

Lovers of grain diets It is worth advising drinking more fluid - this will reduce the negative effect of a large amount of fiber.

Chile, garlic, bow

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Vampires do not exist, but we all know that they die from garlic . That for a vampire - death, then for a person sometimes just killed for a person. Garlic, onions, chili peppers accumulate substances that are subsequently removed through the sweat and lightweight, reinforcing sharp fragrance from the body and from the mouth.

So if you are planning a romantic evening Think carefully whether it is worth it to spoil it with these products, because the resistant smell of mouth can be saved for several hours.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Asparagus, or Asparagus, - Low-calorie (just 30 kcal per 100 g), which is attractive for those who want to lose weight. Asparagus includes saponin and coumarin. Saponin helps with sclerosis and peptic diseases, and Kumarin has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Asparagus is a natural antioxidant and strong aphrodisiac.

But in vitamin bargaining honey there is its own spoonful of grocery tar. Asparagus changes the smell of sweat , Makes the smell of urine caustic, and the gas allocated during digestion is actively involved in the formation of intestinal gases. No wonder that In ancient times, hunters used asparagus to kill the smell of their own body.

Red meat

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Red meat boasts High content of iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins and creatine. But it is slowly digested in the stomach and is heavily absorbed in the intestine. Walking, meat begins to decompose, affecting the fragrance of human secretions, unfortunately, not for the better.

The use of red meat is more often 2 times a week. In general, negatively affects the change in human smell, this is confirmed by various experiments.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Drown man There is no air around himself, it's no secret. It happens because alcohol is not completely recycled by the liver, starts to walk along the circulatory system and go out through the lungs in the form of a fume.

Since the body takes alcohol for toxin, It urgently processes alcohol into non-toxic acetic acid, which is subsequently removed through the pores with a characteristic sharp odor.

Radish and radish

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Both of these vegetables are characterized by a sharp taste. . The fact that they are very loved in traditional medicine, does not least detract from the influence of radish and radishes on the smell of human allocations, especially for the aroma of the mouth - the sharp smell can be saved for several hours. Boiled vegetables are not so aggressive However, during cooking, many useful elements lose.

In one of the folk recipes for treatment from abundant sweat, juice is used ... radish. I remember the basic principle of homeopathy - Similia Similibus Curantur, which is translated from Latin means "This is cured like this".

Tea and coffee

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Black tea and coffee raise the acidity of the stomach, The oral cavity is dried, and in the absence of due amount of saliva, there is a rapid propagation of bacteria, as a result of which a person has an unpleasant smell of mouth. Both drinks actively act on the central nervous system and accelerate sweating.

Better to abandon black tea and coffee In favor of herbal or green tea - they do not affect acidity, and the nervous system is actually reassuring.

Curry, cumin and quinam

Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

Many spices and spices How easy it is to guess, actively interfere with the course of natural cooling of man. Curry and Cumin directly affect the release from the pore within a few days after meals, and caraway Makes the smell of urine more sharp.

If you can live without spices, try less aggressive products with a pleasant aroma - Cardamon, Calgan or Ginger.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

If we make top products causing meteorism, That pea on this list will definitely be in the leaders. The pea protein is hardly digested, and part of it reaches the intestine and becomes food for microbes, sharply increasing the amount of gases.

However, do not hurry to exclude peas from the diet, After all, it is rich in vitamins B, B2, PP, A and C, fluorine, citric acid, iron and other necessary organism elements.

To neutralize negative consequences Eating pea It is worth making a simple thing - soak peas in the water for 8 hours. After this simple gases procedure should be an order of magnitude less.


Not amber. 15 products that cause unpleasant body odor

The smell is all familiar from the newly smoked man . This is a strong smell, but it will disappear enough, which will not say about the cigarette smoke that fell into the human body.

Nicotine and other elements penetrate through the lungs in the blood and change the smell emanating from the pores of a person, the fragrance of his breathing will worsen, spoil the color of the teeth. Smoking tobacco changes the natural course of physiological processes The human body, because of what smokers sweat more than non-smoking people.

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