Seeds of apples and cancer: Dozens of years it kept secret!


Seeds of apples and cancer: Dozens of years it kept secret!

Any branch of the medical industry is built on big money. Conferences and symposia are held annually, which collect scientists from all over the world. States allocate multi-million subsidies on Development of medicine . There are dozens and hundreds of charitable organizations that conduct art events and auctions for collecting funds.

New medical drugs appear every month, after this, passing several levels of toxicity checking. Behind all this is worth one of the only truth. If effective drugs will eventually be found, all these people will lose work. The meaning of conferences and congresses, developments and projects is lost. People can be cured.

Amigdalin Vitamin

Whatever medicine to you suggest, it is designed for temporary improvement or relative Maintain health . Better and more reliable than natural funds in the fight against diseases, as it was not, and not. Perhaps someday they will appear, but now there is no other alternative to chemical treatment.

Amigdalin Vitamin

Vitamin B17.

Of course, no one has canceled a healthy skepticism. It always seems that the natural remedy is too weak to deal with a serious disease. You can drink herbal tea and improve well-being at a cold, but to treat oncology - it is unlikely.

Amigdalin Vitamin

And here is not so! In fact, in nature, there is everything necessary for health and longevity of man . If he won't bother himself and will not be stable to undermine his health, he can live to deep old age strong, happy and confident in his abilities. And no one except himself, it will not be profitable.

Products B17.

On the nuclei of the apricot bones, as well as apple, plum and peach people for a long time. There are conversations about the dangers and benefits of the bones, it is and the case emerge the statements that they contain the blue acid and its compounds (cyanides). Yes, cyanide in the kernel of the bone is really there. It is cyanide that is responsible for the bitter taste of these grains. But it contains in the associated form and is part of the substance called Amigdalin.

Products B17.

Amygdalin can be divided into four components. This is actually a cyanide, benzaldehyde and two glucose molecules. The first two substances are undoubtedly poisonous. But in a healthy body, in healthy tissues they do not disintegrate. They are simply removed from the body with urine - pass through tissues with transit. But in the tissues of the cancer tumor amygdalin decays to the components, Cyanide and Benzaldehyde Release.

Products B17.

It turns out that the affected tissue is subjected to toxic effects of these substances. Malignant cells are dying, and the tumor disintegrates from the inside. It sounds fantastic, but nevertheless glucose in this case protrudes the bait. Cancer fabrics are powered by fermenting glucose. The fermentation process is underway under the influence of beta-glucosidase enzyme.

Vitamin B17.

Beta glucosidase actually opens amygdalin, releasing toxic substances into an enemy cell. There is a certain internal chemotherapy of absolutely natural origin. The advantages of amygdaline are indisputable - it does not harm healthy cells, but at the same time destroys the cells of malignant, thereby cleansing the body.

Vitamin B17.

Why are pharmacological companies silent about the benefits of Amigdalin? We talked about it even at the very beginning. It is not advantageous to treat people to anyone, it is beneficial to heal them. While the person is alive, he clings for the very ghost opportunity. The patient will undergo therapeutic courses, irradiating and handful to swallow the most incredible capsules and pills, if he promises that he will stretch for another month.

Vitamin B17.

Received Amygdalin for a long time, back in 1952. Then he was cleared, made powder shape, and then capsules. Everything was ready for Laboratory tests who amigdalin also passed. He received a few more names. One of them is "LaHTRIL", another - B17. The creator of the drug Ernst Krebb found that the properties of amygdaline are very similar to the properties of the Vitamins of Group V. Since they were known at that time, 16, Amigdalin received the 17th sequence number.

Vitamin B17 benefit

In addition to standard laboratory tests on animals, Ernst tried LaHTRIL to convince the public in his safety. In 1971, the use of Laythrila was banned after testing in the Scientific Institute of Sloan-Kettering, and the drug itself was classified. Ernst did not accept such a state of affairs and called for the help of a journalist Edward Griffin. At the same time, the representative of the institute, Dr. Ralph Moss, spoke out against the ban "Lails".

Vitamin B17 benefit

Dr. Moss argued that the results of the tests that led to the prohibition of the drug were falsified, and a contract with a dishonest institution was broken as confirming their words. Subsequently, Ernst Krebb wrote the book "Life without cancer", in which the influence of amygdaline on the body, damage to chemotherapy and the need to switch to natural treatment methods is described in detail.

Vitamin B17 benefit

Council of the editorial office

It is impossible to prohibit vitamin treatment. Now it is made in Mexico. There are quality analogues in Russia and Ukraine. There are techniques to which you can contact for treatment, and do not need to resort to poisoning of the already weakened organism. There is chances, you only need to be able to use them correctly. Share this useful information with friends. Perhaps someone will find the hope of recovery.

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