That's why you need to lay coins on your laptop


That's why you need to lay coins on your laptop

Summer heat has a detrimental effect not only on the human body, but also on the technique. The owners of laptops do not observe how the leptops are strongly overheated, irritating with constant braking, and then turning off at all at the most inopportune moment ...

Overheating laptop

"Piggyback of useful tips" Tell you about a simple method, which will improve the heat transfer of the laptop and protect it from overheating.

If yours Laptop computer is inclined to overheat , Find as many coins as possible, preferably copper, and carefully reach them with columns on the entire free space between the keyboard and the monitor.

how to protect the laptop from overheating

As the photo of the heat distribution shows, it is this part of the laptop heats up the strongest. Coins All will serve as an additional radiator, because the metal, especially copper, has good thermal conductivity.

how to protect the laptop from overheating

That's all! Coins will operate an additional radiator and help dispel severe heat. Just remember that this is a temporary measure and sooner or later you will still need to be pretty Clear dust laptop After all, it is she reduces the efficiency of the built-in cooler.

how to protect the laptop from overheating

Thanks to this simple way, even on the hottest days you can forget about overheating and extend the operation time of the device. Share your knowledge with friends, they will be grateful to you.

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