We offer to understand all the delights and disadvantages of "Money Tree"


The potted plant "fat man", famous for the people more as a money tree, decorate the windowsill of many of us. Some believe that this flower brings wealth and abundance in the family, there are those who use it as the attending agent. In general, this plant is quite beautiful and therefore very many have a purely for aesthetics.

Today we suggest you understand all the charms and the shortcomings of this delicious money tree.

The crack has many varieties. However, the most common thing as a room plant is a muddle of a tree, or "money tree", sometimes this plant is called Crasus, girlfriend.


ATTENTION! In Tolstanka, it is contained in a high concentration of arsenic, therefore, it is not recommended to abuse the internal intake of therapeutic drugs based on this plant. Under the overdose, vomiting, diarrhea, disturbances of consciousness are observed.

- Herpes on the lips. From several leaves to squeeze juice. Lubricate the affected place every 30 min. It can be done otherwise - to impregnate the blade with juice, put it on the affected place and fix it with the patch.

- Angina, tonsillitis. Of 10 leaves squeeze juice, mix with 200 ml of water. Rinse the throat 3-5 times a day.

- ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum. In the morning for 1 hour. Before meals eat 2 leafs of Tolstanka, carefully chewing.

- Pyelonephritis, cystitis. 5 Tolstanka leaves are crushed, pour 200 ml of hot water, insist for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon for 15 minutes. Before eating 3 times a day.

- Arthritis, Arthrosis. Squeeze out of 10-15 leaves juice, lubricate the affected joints before bedtime.

- Hemorrhoids. Attach the cut sheet, helps immediately.

- burns, bruises, stretching, wounds, cuts, climbs. Attach Cashitz from the leaves to the damaged area, secure the bandage. Change the bandage as drying (2-3 hours).


According to some reports, the fastener cleans the air from harmful microbes and bacteria, and for some beliefs, attracts wealth to the house and good luck!

Here is such an interesting tree! Do you have your recipes with this indoor plant?

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