Main Russian vodkah lifehaki


Main Russian vodkah lifehaki

Vodka is considered a traditional Russian alcoholic beverage. But not everyone knows that if it is used as a non-standard way, then vodka can even become an indispensable assistant.

Against raid and rj

Vodka is indispensable in everyday life. It perfectly cleans the seams between the tiles in the bathroom. It also helps to fight screaming and soap divorces on the cranes and perfectly polishes chrome pieces of plumbing and jewelry. Rusty nuts easier to unscrew after treatment with vodka.

If the razors keep lowered into vodka, they will serve longer and guaranteed will not rust. Vodka also kills fungus and mold, so use it for cleaning in the bathroom. Disinfection and cleanliness will be provided.

Against heat and burns

Vodka is a good antipyretic agent. Of course, with outdoor use. The alcohol evaporates quickly and provides a cooling effect. With a heat, wipe the chest and the back of the patient. After you do not need to cover it with a warm blanket, otherwise the effect will be leveled by slow evaporation.

Cool vodka and in burns. If you are carelessly leaned on a burning burner, then it's not a bag run to the refrigerator (in our apartments and it is not necessary to run, pull enough hand), get a vodka and treat the burn. It is not necessary to take a burn.

Against lipuchkin

If you bought a set of dishes and now from each plate and the cups on you treacherously look at the price tags, indicating the price of a discount, and before the arrival of the guests there are only nothing, getting vodka. No, no need to drink sadness and feeling of devastation, moisten sticky price tags with vodka and erase, they will easily go away. So far we are erased, you can come up with a beautiful legend about the Criminal Service of the XVIII century.

Or so. You poured the plaster of the wound, the time passed, and the plaster does not want to get off quickly, and it's unpleasant to dypipe. Moisten it with vodka, it solurate glue and the plaster will be painlessly.


Turn off the TV with advertising new dandruff shampoos, where men with sad eyes are bright on the shoulders, stand up from the sofa, take vodka and pour into a glass. No, do not drink. Still in a glass two teaspoons of ground rosemary and put place in an inaccessible for children and alcoholics. Two days later, when the resulting mixture is imagining, strain it and wipe the scalp. You can turn on the TV again. And read the book better.

Against smell

Yes, vodka perfectly removes odors. To remove odor, for example, cigarette smoke from clothes or just giving it freshness you can make an ultra-mega-simple spray. Mix vodka and water in proportion 1: 5 and spray the mixture of the mixture. Alcohol will evaporate together with the smell. Also vodka will help get rid of the bad smell of the legs. Just wipe your feet in the morning and in the evening vodka - and that's it. The smell on the legs is formed from bacteria that faving their place at the sweat glands. The bacteria will die - the smell will disappear.

For washing

Not everyone can afford regular dry cleaning today, but no one has canceled the stains on clothes. Remove vodka, getting blown with a clean cloth with vodka and wipe the stain, then wash, as usual. Vodka has good solvent properties and perfectly removes a stain from grass, lipstick or vomiting. Also vodka can be brushing clothes with beads - beads will take again.

For purity

Vodka is not only a means for giving a "glass view" and "filling of balls", but also an excellent means for cleaning any brass, diamonds, crystals and other transparent and reflective surfaces. Apply a small amount of vodka on a rag and boldly rub the lenses of glasses, window glass and so on. Vodka cleans well and disinfect.

Stopped seeing yourself in the mirror? No problem! Slide the mirror with vodka, and after wipe with a dry cloth or newspaper. Want to make a liftoluk, but the purity of the mirror in the elevator does not allow you to adjust the focus? Answer one: vodka. Let me do not bother you that some tips are written in the stylistics of the "store on the sofa". It really works!

Pictures on request Main Russian Vodka Lifehaki

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