Is it possible to put hot dishes in the refrigerator?


Is it worth removing hot dishes in the refrigerator, a refrigerator break or not?

This is what the Senior Researcher was told by the Institute of Refrigeration Systems and Food Production.

Is it possible to put hot dishes in the refrigerator?

- Most likely, if it is a high-quality model, the refrigerator will not deteriorate. But its cooling system will work longer. It is arranged for this principle: as soon as the temperature in the chamber has reached a certain level, the system is turned off. If you put something hot, then it will work until it cool the product. If you put, for example, a whole pan of hot soup, then the temperature in the refrigeration chamber will increase significantly over the norm. And here it is important how powerful the compressor is in the refrigerator. If it is powerful, then the cooling system will quickly cope with this hot pan, and the compressor will not break. A weak compressor can burn. Since now everyone save, compressors in refrigerators, as a rule, with low power, so the cooling system will work for several hours in a row. At the same time, you will significantly increase the consumption of electricity. And it will also be swapped for the worse microclimate in the refrigerator. On average, there should be four degrees there, and there will be a plus ten and even more. So what can spoil other products on the shelves.

Now, in order to save electricity to refrigerators, compressors are often put compressors of minimum power, not designed for a large volume of the refrigeration chamber and overload. The smaller the size of the compressor, the less electricity consumes your refrigerator. And such compressors, besides, cheaper.

Is it possible to put hot dishes in the refrigerator?

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