Winter is close ... You can connect this giant cozy blanket for only 4 hours



Winter is coming. Fortunately, having at least some kind of knitting skills, you can create an unusual, giant size blanket so that you can be warm and comfortable throughout these long and cold nights. Do not have the idea how this is done? Do not worry, one blogger created an amazing tutorial who helps you cope with this not very difficult task.

Actually, first of all, you will need huge spokes, as you understand. But Laura Bearer, the author of the tutorial, found an alternative - comfortable pipes from PVC suitable diameter, and received the same result. In addition, such a replacement is an excellent savings on expensive accessories!

So, all you have to create your own giant blanket:

1) several thick textile yarn motors

2) Long large spokes from PVC pipes

3) adhesive tape

This unusual knitting guide helps you be warm throughout the winter.


Step 1. Using adhesive tape, pointer the ends of PVC pipes


Step 2. With the help of new "spokes", start knitting the web - 1 facial, 2 irons. It is usually enough to dial 24 loops to get a blanket of a decent size


Step 3-a. "Searate" the edges using the end of the yarn and stretching it through the loop, so that it looks neat


Step 3-b. At the end of knitting, tie a thread knot and also hide the end, skipping it through the loop from the wrong


The last step will provide your blanket extra strength


Look at the video, how to tie your own giant blanket:

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