Construction tips from experienced


And here are some tips.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Scarp is very useful to secure glue. The adhesive when screwing the screw will act as a lubricant, and then reliably hold the screw from the outlet with a variable load.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Wrap screws need to be screwed up with a screwdriver exactly, because otherwise you either spoil the screw, without trusting it to the end, or spoil the screwdriver. Check the screwdriver matching the slot simply. Put a piece of plasticine into the slot of the screw, and then insert a stinging screwdriver there. If all plasticine is squeezed - the screwdriver fits. Usually in the practice of a home master is enough for three screwdrivers with a direct stale and three cruciforms.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• A short screwdriver is always worse than long. The human hand is so arranged that when trying to turn a screwdriver around its axis, the slope of this axis is also obtained. The longer the screwdriver, the less this slope, and the more reliable contact with the screwdriver with the screw. Each breakdown with a slot pulls out a piece of metal or from a screw, or from a screwdriver, and you or you will not be able to touch the screw, or throw off the scum in several dozen coarse screws.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• It is better to always screw several small screws than one large. The whole design will be more reliable, if only because the load will be distributed evenly. It is possible to carry out an analogy with a broom and a thick stick - if there is a bitch or crack in a stick, it will be easy to break it, and several cracked twigs in the broom will almost not reduce its total strength in the broom.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• To pull the screw along its axis is easier than shifting it. This must be taken into account by planning the connections on the screws.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• As a rule, there are actuators in which the blade is direct. Work as such an ax hard and low-performance. This is explained by the fact that the direct blade is included in the wood throughout its width, and a great effort is required to work as such a tool. With a rounded blade, the ax works like shholds - the blade climbs the chip separated. The radius of rounding should be about 250-270 mm, the angle of rounding in a carpentry ax should be approximately 35 °.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• When attaching an ax onto the axle, it should be considered the following: The free end of the axle must be in the plane passing through the axle of the ax. Otherwise, the accuracy of the blows will decrease. When expulsing, the axle needs to ensure that the end of the etching does not leave the specified plane.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• In the notch of the file, the particles of the processable metal will not be stuck if the file is pre-grated with chalk or charcoal.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Knives, chisels and other cutting tools are easier and faster, if you pre-immerse the blade for half an hour in a weak solution of the sole salt, and the bar is slightly moistened with kerosene.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• An electric shared with a vibration drive can be turned into a grinding machine. To do this, remove the knives and instead of installing a piece of leaf rubber, to one side of which to glue a metal plate with holes for vibrating levers, and to another grinding paper or cloth, which can be applied with grinding paste.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• When painting the ceilings with a lime composition prepared from the harees of lime, it should be aware that the surface of the ceiling must be slightly humid. Painting resistance will increase if it is added to the prepared solution to add a table salt (50-100 g per 10 liters of the coller).

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Apply the final layer on the wall on top. Otherwise, traces of the brush will be noticeable.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• The paint should be applied with a thin layer. Trying to cover the surface at a time, of course, should not. Color it is secondary (after, naturally, how the first layer is dry). Remember that two or three thin layers of paint are always stronger than one thick.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Before painting a roller large surfaces, paint with brush (flots) wall corners, joints with windows, doors and other places where the roller is uncomfortable. The width of the painted brush band must be at least 7-8 cm.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Start painting with a roller from several strokes crosswise, and then rub the paint throughout the surface. A lot of paint on the roller, however, just like on the brush, do not dial.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Window frames, plinth, panels, and the bottom edge of the doors, color with a small flirt (about 5 cm in cross section). Working a large brush will inevitably lead to flaws, and besides, it will add trouble when cleaning the room after repair.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Start the door to paint from the panels. Then go to the protruding surfaces. Align the paint is almost a dry brush with light strokes from the bottom up.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• How to solve the problem of movement on the freshly stained floor? It is necessary to put small (in the size of the feet) of the floor of the polyethylene film from paint, the floor should be put on the size of the feet. After the paint dried, carefully from the corner to pull the film - the floor under it will be glossy, indistinguishable from other sites.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Before you take the wall with wallpaper, the upper part of it can be cleaned by the spins - raids.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• You repair the apartment and decided to paint the walls not until the ceiling. How to spend on top of a smooth border? It is easy to do even one if you spend a few minutes to make a simple fixture. From the cardboard, cut the strip of the desired width and a length of about half a meter. Come to her wooden chock - it will be a handle. Moving the cardboard along the ceiling after the brush, you can spend a flat line.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Even an inexperienced painter can, without difficulty, stretching the wall smooth panel, if it uses a brush with a transverse metal rod and a ruler with a bevelled edge.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Apply a smooth panel on the painted surface of the walls will help two pieces of adhesive tape (tape, for example). Shooting them in parallel, at the desired distance from each other, get a great stencil.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• A small rectangle from cardboard, tin or other dense material applied to the glass during the color of the window bakes, protect the glass from random smears and allows you to gently paint the frame.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• When painting a plinth, a large skill is required and caution to protect the floor from flowing paint. Your good assistant in this business will be an ordinary scoop that needs to be substituted between the plinth and gender. At the same time, flowing on the scoop of the surplus paint again can be used to paint the plinth.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• If you need to paint a hollow cylinder or pipe, the item is best to suspend or skip the stick to the cavity of which then to the ends into two supports.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Coloring of hard-to-reach places - eaves, balconies, etc. - facilitates a tube bent at an angle into which the brush is inserted.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Pipe lying on Earth or passing in the corner, paint brush is difficult. For such a case, we advise you to sew a mitten from cygiaki or artificial fur, the fur out the municipality is put on the hands, dip in the paint and, moving along the pipe, easily blame it from all sides.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• In case of painting works, it is often necessary to attach a can with paint to a stepladder or stand. To do this, the deaf hole is drilled, the pin insert into it and attach to the pin with the paint with a wide rubber or insulating tape.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• Leaning the staircase to the wall of the room, it should be foreseen that it can scratch the paint or wallpaper. That this does not happen, put on her at least old mittens. And in order to insure the staircase from falling on a slippery floor, put it ends into rubber galoshes. In this case, the staircase does not leave traces on the floor.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

• During painting works, it is often necessary to remove the paint surplus with the brush. A piece of wire, bent from two ends and tightly on the edges of a bucket with paint, can be simultaneously and a stand for a brush, and a wedge cleaner.

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

Construction tips Construction tips, illustrations, do it yourself, do, tips

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