20 unexpected ways to use hydrogen peroxide


Moms and grandmothers have always kept a bubble with hydrogen peroxide. And not in vain: it turns out that she can use you in a variety of everyday situations. Just remember: we are talking about 3% concentration of peroxide, unless otherwise indicated!

20 unexpected ways to use hydrogen peroxide

- The peroxide will relieve the ear sulfur. A pair of droplets of peroxide into each ear - and she will dissolve the ear sulfur, and at the same time, and other dirt.

- The peroxide will help to fight pesticides. Soak the whole, with impudent skin (this is important!) Vegetables in a solution of 1/4 cup of peroxide and 3 cups of water for 30 minutes. If there were pesticides in vegetables, so they will be destroyed.

- The peroxide will save the house from bacteria. Instruct the peroxide with water at a concentration of 1:10 (1 part of peroxide on 10 parts of water) and through the air humidifier evaporate this fluid in the room. So you get rid of bacteria from the air.

- The peroxide will clean the toothbrush. Soak for the night in hydrogen peroxide toothbrush - so you get rid of all organic remains.

- The peroxide will help to fight fungus on the legs. Mix in a bubble peroxide with water in a 1: 1 ratio and water the affected areas. Take care of a bubble from sunlight!

20 unexpected ways to use hydrogen peroxide

- Peroxide will help to wash organic residues. Spots from sweat, blood, wine and food will quickly leave if soak evained the thing with the washing powder and the addition of a small amount of peroxide.

- The peroxide will protect from otitis. It is enough to get into the ears in a pair of drops once in the order of prevention.

- The peroxide will get rid of calluses. Make the corn with a mixture of peroxide and water in a 1: 1 ratio - they will soon become softer and easily come down.

- Peroxide will save from injections. Add 35% hydrogen peroxide on the bath and lie in the water - Naryvy and acne will begin to pass.

- The peroxide will clean the skin. Add the peroxide into water and gently wipe the skin of the face - it helps to purify the pores.

20 unexpected ways to use hydrogen peroxide

- Peroxide cleans the oral cavity. She not only kills bacteria, but also whitens teeth.

- The peroxide will clean the cuts and abrasions. If you drop a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide into small wound, there will be no inflammation.

- The peroxide eliminates the dental pain. Rinse the mouth with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and coconut oil - and toothache will leave.

- Peroxide cleans your nose. Drip to the nose weak peroxide solution - it clears the nasal sinuses.

- peroxide cleans the pores. 1 cup of 35% hydrogen peroxide on the bath, and then the usual shower - and the body will become cleaner than after ordinary washing.

20 unexpected ways to use hydrogen peroxide

- The peroxide disinfects the house. Add the peroxide into water and use the resulting solution to cleanse any surfaces.

- Peroxide cleans lenses. If you have ended with a solution for lenses, soak them overnight in a weak peroxide solution.

- Peroxide disinfects shopping bags. Erasing the bag with which you go shopping, add some peroxide - it will clean the bag from organic residues.

- Peroxide perfectly cleans the glass. Sprinkle the windows and mirrors, and then wipe with a cloth - and they grumble!

- The peroxide disinfects the lunch box. Spray the box peroxide when you wash it. Peroxide will punish organic residues and destroy bacteria.

20 unexpected ways to use hydrogen peroxide

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