Hammer ... in Astra!


Hammer ... in Astra!

Having gathered a bouquet at home and desperately wanting to save his life. Take these tips to armared.

Hammer ... in Astra!

Keep dahlia in water with vinegar. Before immersion of flowers in the mixture (1 tbsp. Vxusus 9% per 1 liter of water) The stem must be pouring to water and shut the cotton.

Hammer ... in Astra!

Asters I "MUCH" so: I break the stalks, the tips scroll with a hammer, omit in boiling water for a few seconds and only after that I put it into the water.

Hammer ... in Astra!

And the gladioluses cut off the ends of the stems and put a shallow in cold water. In addition, we break up the top buds, giving the opportunity to reveal to everyone else.

Hammer ... in Astra!

Cut tulips are quite quickly wound, but I lower the stalks of the colors in hot water, they quickly acquire the original freshness. Pre-updating the sections on the stems and tightly wrapping paper (10), which contributes not only to the restoration of freshness, but also straightening the stalks in tulips. Leave them in water for so much time as it is necessary to complete the flower recovery.

Hammer ... in Astra!

I cut off from the stem rose spikes as well as all extra leaves. Before putting them in a vase, Kosos cut the stem, then split the bottom of the stem into two or three parts or break it with a hammer of 2.5 cm. Stem, which will increase the suction surface. If roses begin to fade quickly, update sections on the stems and lower them into very hot water. We can, carefully remove all damaged or dried petals.

Hammer ... in Astra!

Calla, before put in a vase, cut the stalk under water, and then rub dry salt into the cut.

Hammer ... in Astra!

A bouquet of gentle wild flowers is good to stand in acidic water (1 tbsp. Line vinegar per 1 liter of water).

Hammer ... in Astra!

Floxes cut off when half of the flowers bloom in the inflorescence. The ends of the stems must be cleaved, deeply lowered in cold water. If you cut flocks when all the flowers revealed, they fastened faster.

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