7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores


Not always products in a good quality store - even supermarkets with pain in the heart break up with an overdue goods, because it means a loss of profit. But this should not affect buyers.

Editorial Lists the tricks of sellers who are easy to notice, if you know what's the matter. Buy only high-quality products and be healthy!

1. In meat shop windows use pink backlight

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

LED lamps for meat windows Special pink backlight. She is gives meat products more appetizing and fresh species , meat is best for sale.

If you like a piece of meat in the shop window, ask for a purchase take it out and show you.

2. The meat is treated with "fresheners"

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

Such additives ("Freshi") stabilize the color of the meat, stop the process of damage and improve the taste. They are not harmful to health, but if you want to buy completely natural and fresh meat, follow several rules:

  • Buy meat from proven sellers and learn how to determine its quality. The cut of fresh meat should be dense in appearance, elastic to the touch and almost dry due to "peeling crust" . Fresh meat also has a specific natural smell - if it is not, it is a reason to alert.
  • It is better to buy meat in stores where the meat shop is behind the glass and you can observe its work and compliance with cleanliness.

3. Fresh foods are mixed with the same, but with expiring shelf life.

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

Products with different shelf life in the store can mix and pack into a plastic tray. The smell under the film is not felt, and the sticker with the date of packaging can be replaced by more "fresh". Such manipulations are done with candies, cookies, meat cuts, sour cream, salads and other deposit products.

So try to buy products in packaging manufacturer.

4. Foreign impurities add to mince

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

In mince can add and Powder-freshener, and preservatives, and cheaper meat offal (fat, lungs), and ice . Check the quality of the minced meat is difficult, so meat with expiring shelf life can be recycled.

Buy mince in places where it can make from the chosen meat with you At the same time, make sure that the meat grinder is purely washed.

5. Products are added in cooking, the shelf life of which is coming to an end

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

The cooking departments in the supermarket are made primarily not for the convenience of buyers, but to save the store from losses. In pizza, salads and cakes fall Products whose shelf life comes to an end: Non-sold chicken grill, crumbling from the sleeved bread and cookies and others. Of meat and birds make semi-finished products - marinate for kebabs, etc.

Choose them hardly possible, but be careful - if bought, Eat immediately And do not store a few days in the refrigerator.

6. Frozen products are sold under the type of cooled

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

Meat and fish often defrost and sell as chilled. If the products were frozen once and defused according to the rules, nothing terrible. But sometimes defrosting occurs at room temperature, which flows different in the resulting liquid Microorganisms , but The top layer begins to deterone when the ice remains inside.

Such products produce an extra moisture or frost on the surface, on meat - no elasticity (when pressed with a finger, it does not restore the shape), and in the fish - mucus. How to determine the freshness of products, read more here.

7. Labels with shelf life and the date of packaging are replaced with new

7 ways to fool gullible buyers in stores

It happens that in stores Cross the labels To change the shelf life of the goods.

If the labels are pasted in 2-3 layers, alert, - perhaps the product is overdue. It is better to buy goods where shelf life marked manufacturer . Also carefully look at the date indicated on the sticker, - Date of packing goods Does not mean that it is fresh, it is determined by the date of the shelf life.

And finally, several general tips:

  • Do not forget the check. But you can return the poor-quality goods, even if it is not, - as evidence, require an entry from the video surveillance camera.
  • Check the check without departing from the box office. What it is longer, the most likely that you are cheated - we will try an excessive position or a cheap product as expensive.
  • Turn the packaged products to not pay extra. For example, fruits can be soaked, and the weight on the label remains the same.
  • Do not hesitate to ask for documents for products.
  • Buy products in proven places.
  • Be complain about poor-quality service and goods!

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