It's just incredible! An ordinary cereal is able to fill the lack of collagen in the female organism


It's just incredible! An ordinary cereal is able to fill the lack of collagen in the female organism

It's just incredible! An ordinary cereal is able to fill the lack of collagen in the female organism And rejuvenate him for several years. Your skin, hair and nails will be healthy and young! Eat this dish at least once a week - you will be delighted with the result!

Purified barley grains from the times of ancient Russia are magnifying a pearl cereal. Such a name of Zlak with Parliament Delablock received due to similarity with river pearls - pearls. Interestingly, earlier the pear porridge was considered a delicacy, which only high-ranking specials could afford. Welded on a special recipe Perplifier with milk was one of the favorite dishes Peter I.

It's just incredible! An ordinary cereal is able to fill the lack of collagen in the female organism

Useful properties of pearl cereals

In vain, many hostesses moved a punch barbell into the background, because it contains a large amount of nutrients needed by the body for full functioning.

The boiled barrier is called cashew of beauty, because only this croup contains a huge amount of lysine - amino acids, which takes an active part in the synthesis of collagen. Everyone knows that it is he who helps to preserve the elasticity of the skin, preventing the formation of wrinkles. Another reason to urgently include a pearl porridge in your diet to all women - a large number of vitamins of the group B, A, PR and E.

Regular use of porridge cereals helps not only maintain the beauty of the skin, but also reduce weight! Rich, but low-calorie product is rich in the fiber required for normal intestinal peristals, as well as protein.

It's just incredible! An ordinary cereal is able to fill the lack of collagen in the female organism

How to cook a barley: a few secrets

Before cooking, rinse is thoroughly rinsed. To do this, pour overrun into a deep bowl, pour water and mix, rubbing the "pearls" about each other. Drain dirty water and pour clean, repeat the procedure. Wash the croup until the water is transparent; Before the direct preparation of kishki grain, it is necessary to wash again, pour over cool water (a liter of liquid is required for a glass of cereals) and leave at least 4 hours; Cooking the barrid is recommended in a spacious saucepan, since during the preparation of the croup increases in the amount of up to 5 times.

It's just incredible! An ordinary cereal is able to fill the lack of collagen in the female organism

Easy way to prepare a pearl porridge on the water

Recipe number 1.

You will need:

  • Pearl groats - 1 cup,
  • water - 5 glasses,
  • Creamy butter - 30 grams,
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Prepared breakfast pour cold water. Put on fire. We bring to a boil and cook 45 minutes on a quiet fire. We merge water. Add creamy oil. Solim. Mix. We leave for 10 minutes. Ready!

Recipe number 2.

You will need:

  • Pearl groats - 1 cup,
  • Creamy butter - 1 tablespoon,
  • water,
  • Salt to taste.

Cooking method:

In boiling water, we suck the prepared barley. Cook for 5 minutes. After the expiration of the specified time, we fold a barrel on a colander. In the pan, we pour 3.5 cups of cold water and bring to a boil. In boiling water, add oil and salt. Suck the croup. Cook on moderate heat about 35 minutes. We cover the saucepan with a lid and send to 80 degrees in the oven, for an hour.

Lay out the pitch on the portion plates and try!

Recipe number 3.

You will need:

  • 1 stack. Purified pearl cereal
  • 1 l of water
  • 2 liters of milk

Cooking method

Pour the break with water and leave overnight. Rinse the croup, drain all the water and fill the slightly heated milk. Bring the milk to a boil, then cover the saucepan with a lid and boil on a water bath for 3 hours.

During this time, porridge will acquire a pleasant beige shade and the taste of melting milk. Let you not be confused by the duration of cooking: Your participation will be necessary only at the first stage, then the porridge is brewed almost itself.

Perhaps you have your own branded recipes for preparing pearl cereals. Share your experience in the comments, keep your useful article in bookmarks! Be sure to share with girlfriends the secret of beauty and youth!

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