Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch "Autumn, autumn ..."


Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Today we will learn to embroider with beads on Canva on the example of brooches "Autumn, autumn ...". Embroidery on canvas is quite simple, as well as quickly and exciting! :)

And for this we need:

one. Japanese beads THHO size 15, shades 10b, 83, 459, 457, 329 and 2. If you use another beads, you will pick up the shades yourself, you will need colors: dark brown, yellow, orange, red, green tea, yellow -brown.

2. . Japanese beads of THHO size 11, shades Y301 and 162B (brown and yellow), they will need us for a series of skin and sealing rows.

3. . Kanva, I have Aida 14, but it is better to take a smaller, 16th or 18th. Modern canvas is quite tough, so the chamber we will not need, only canvas.

four. A piece of white felt, a slice of thick paper and a piece of genuine leather

five. One pin and base for brooches of 3 cm.

6. Scissors, thread (I always have a lavsanaya), glue moment crystal.


Easitive will be a beads of size 15. For the base, I took the scheme of this ornament:

Embroidery on canvas

I removed everything too much and embroidered only a leaf.

Brooch from bead

Can I take immediately a racked fishing line on squares, it's easier to navigate. We will need a piece of size of 3.5x4 squares. Knews the size of more diagram is necessary because at the end the finished embroidery will cut the size of a millimeter by 2 more than beading pattern.

And start. Place the scheme in a convenient place for you, closer to the middle. I place it on the monitor player with the film, which is listening in the process of work.

Beaded Brooch

We pass through the canvas from the inside, type the first bisper of the row.


And with an inside, fix the thread on the triple knot.

Autumn brooch

Return back to the front side and sew the first beerin still on the stitch.


Stitches will be in the semi-contest, diagonally. The diagram presents the equipment in the semi-trite.

Autumn 2014.

Embroidered a row to the end and the final beads again we laugh into two stitches.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

The first row is completed by following the scheme, go to a number above.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And the first bisper of the row again we laugh at two stitches.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Remember this moment: every first and last beerin of each row must be kept on two stitches!

And we continue to embroider, the beerts should stand on one diagonal over each other, moving along the canvas, following the scheme, right to left and left to right.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Two rows made, now you can remove the distinction from the fishing line. I never delete it immediately, it easier to navigate it, from which place to start the embroidery.

We draw the fishing line with a needle and pull out. Not immediately all, in stages.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

We continue the embroidery. How it comes to the protrusions in the scheme, embroider the protrusions entirely separately, then you can always return.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And here is our half the leaf is ready!

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Returning to the middle of the embroidery, passing the stitches through the cubes of the canvas. Do not be afraid, these stitches will not be visible.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

The scheme accordingly flip over, we also find a number from which they started, oriented, and continue to embroider a leaf.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And quite quickly he is ready!

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch


Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Gently cut out our leaf, leaving empty canvas around a millimeter embroidery into two points.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Wrap off with a glue.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Squeeze on felt.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And put under the press for half an hour. You can longer, less - no. Any teaching book is perfectly suitable as a press.

Half an hour passed, take out our embroidery, cut off the extra felt (I recommend it slightly rounded the cut all sharp corners, the thread will cling less). And we begin to sneak, for this we need a bead of size 11 shade Y301 (brown). We take the needle from the wrong side to the front side, leaving the tail of the thread from the inside, and sew the first beerin.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And back the thread inside out, and it is fixed there with a triple knot.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

We take the needle behind the first submissive bisper, pass through the beerin.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

We laugh two more bispers, try to sew them as tightly to the extreme rows of our embroidery.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And we return from the wrong side to the front side of one beerin back.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

We pass through this first bead.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And dial two more and sew.

And so - two sewed, they returned to one, passed through it, two more scored, sewed, they returned to one, went through it ... and to the end, pressing this row as tightly as possible to the embroidered pattern.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

The series is completed, that's what we did.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Gently cut off the excess felt, then we supply our leaf on thick paper.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Cut out the painted sheet and immediately cut it around the edge per millimeter-two. And while set aside.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And we cook the skin for the basis for brooches - place the places where the sides of the pin come from, cutting holes.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And also so far we postpone all this aside.

We take a pin, we recruit 13 bispers of size 15 colors 83.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And also so far lay it aside, but not far :)

Paper gasket with glue. Pin has in the center of leaf leaves, pin we have a leg depict, keep it with your fingers. PIN should be between the felt and the paper laying.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

And we linake the paper gasket.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

After that, we strifted the basis for the brooches, we scroll through the inside of the embroidery with glue and plant it on the skin.

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

After an hour and a half you can cut off the excess skin and sunmate the sealing row. For an intake series, we take the beads of size 11 of the shade of 162b (yellow), and I lay out the step-by-step method of the trim here, so I will not repeat.

And our autumn brooch is ready!

Embroidery beads by canvas for beginners: Brooch

Based on knowledge from this MK, you can embroider in the canvas of things of any kind and size. For them, you can use both freely distributed elements of the cross-embroidery schemes and do their own.


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