Black Barrels: New Metro Mystery


Someone noticed, and someone and there are no these incomprehensible black pieces at each station of the Russian subway. Each day pass through people every day, and few people guess that these devices are placed in the domestic subway for the sake of passenger and employees.

Black Barrels: New Metro Midway, Riddle, Metro, Russia

So, each such black barrel represents nothing but an anti-bomb safe! In the instructions, it is necessary to close everything discovered in the subway bags, briefcases and other avoski without a host. And then the sappers arrived on the call transport "barrel" with a dangerous cargo on the landfill and there already neutralize the explosive device if it is discovered inside.

Black Barrels: New Metro Midway, Riddle, Metro, Russia

The official name of this security tool is an explosion protection container (BC). It is a cylindrical drawer of thick armor steel, with a slotted compound of one of the ends. Most often in the upper part has a flat surface.

These serious devices, according to the test results, withstand an explosion of a substance similar to 3 kg of trotyl. Bie in St. Petersburg metro put on trolleys with wheels, and they also have protection and dangerous chemicals.

Black Barrels: New Metro Midway, Riddle, Metro, Russia

And it costs every such container a lot - a million and two hundred thousand rubles. Today in the Moscow metro is about 300. The first to receive such anti-bomb safes Plivest stations: "Kurskaya", "Komsomolskaya" and "Kiev".

Black Barrels: New Metro Midway, Riddle, Metro, Russia

Equipment Metropolitan Becked since 2014. Now they are available not only in the capitals, but in the subway of the regional centers of the Russian Federation.

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