Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube


In our lane, corn is grown only as a fodder culture. And not finding large cobs ((and for the tube you need a large patch. As a result, I bought two biggest instances in the near crossroads. 36 rubles. These are the only costs and actually this amount can be considered the cost of the tube.

So, first the patch must be dried. To begin with, we cut off the knife all the grains from the patch. It is necessary to be more careful, that would not blame the pillage at this stage.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

We cut the pillars in half, for the tube you need a part with a piece of stem.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

Next actually drying. Heat the oven to 90 degrees and, on the contrary to the foil, drying the pillage. I have a thermal sensor kosychit and the temperature was rising to 150. The foil is needed, what would not be painted with the opposite, considering Podgar. Well, foil will need less. During the drying process, the pillage must be turned over with the side on the side every half hour. The drying time depends on the size of the patch - from 3 hours (as in my case) to 8.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

After 3 hours, it gets the workpiece. Yes, it is not necessary to immediately get it out of the oven - the pillage can burst from the temperature drop. I left it in the oven to cool the natural way. The "tan" is a consequence of not a stable temperature. But, as it turned out later, it is not scary.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

The burnt grains literally fell off from the pillage after drying. In general, the main readiness rate is the core of the patch. It should be solid, but fragile.

Another important point! Why do you need a big pillage? When drying, it loses its volume very much. The selected patch had a diameter of about 8 cm, and after cleaning and drying, the knocker was in diameter of only 2.5 cm. Maybe it also depends on the variety, but I did not arhor - it took that it was.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

The next step is the drilling of the TC and the smoke of the channel. TK I drilled by a conventional battery drill, 9.5 drill. Because Drilled "with hand" - put the minimum turnover. The depth of the camera chose a little more than half of the length - it was so conceived.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

In the covers, a jasmine twig was lit. Her and adapted for the mouthpiece. I sick the dymeter of the twig - it turned out that the smoke canal will be 4 mm. The length of Jasmine Mouthpiece - 9 cm. Photos like I saw her and drill thinking unnecessary.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

Drilled smoke canal. With markup problems did not arise and the smoke canal came out exactly in the bottom. After driving the smoke of the channel, slightly expanded the camera - the drill on 10. The larger diameter is not obtained, otherwise too thin walls will turn out and burn it much faster.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

For a dense insertion of mouthpiece in the smoke channel, the twig still took a little more in diameter. Before assembly, the mouthpiece drove under a weak cone with a file. And here, the finished tube))

TTX tubes: length - 115 mm.; Height - 77 mm.; diameter - 25 mm.; TK width - 10 mm.; Depth - 38 mm.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

Well, it is clear that you will not raise with such a camera ... But I smoked her myself. The first inconvenience is the diameter of the camera, the tobacco is only strongly dried and crushed. The second is again the diameter of the camera - the heel of the tee is not prolazed in the TC. The rest of the ordinary tubes - at first, in the figure, they smoke - the taste of roasted seeds)) when the corner comes to the bottom - the jasmine nestock is burning.

Well, for me it's just a funny experience)) I do not feel a shortage of the tubes.

PS The mouthpiece can be inserted into the bowl, if you still smoke the tube. Otherwise, he just breaks out.

Tubor cuisine: Corn Card Tube

Such a tube smoked General MacArthur.

Tubor cuisine: tube made of corn cob.

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