White hands


Like many on the ruins of our once uniform and great country, Roma Bane. It cannot be said that he was a winding alcoholic, but without drinking 200-300 grams before bedtime, he did not feel like a man.

Roma's wife tried to fight for many years, and then, realizing the expression, if you can't resist it - the head, I began to drive a moonshine. It turned out good savings and in general, everyone was satisfied.

In order for the Introduction, you need a waterproof. They made it from kapron (plastic) covers, plasticine and systems from a dropper. The design was obtained unreliable, dear and consisting of scarce spare parts.

But here her sister who worked in the hospital brought a whole box of latex medical gloves received as humanitarian aid, and told about the new method. You wear a glove on the bottle, make a hole in one finger the needle and the hydraulic network is not needed.

White hands

Immediately 10 trigteles of the permafrost from the long-catching jam were delivered. So that Roma does not drink them, the banks were delivered for the bed on which no one slept. But here's one problem, she forgot about the hole about the hole.

That night was full moon. Bright glow penetrated through the curtained tulle window. Deep over midnight, the yard pattern began toogt outwardly. I woke up and a cold sweat rolled in his back.

White swollen hands of the dead Mahali because of the bed opposite. From there, the vague buggy and muttering was distributed. The devils called him with him to hell. How he shouted! Woke, probably gender street.

Gloves, swinging without the possibility to keep gases, became huge and looked out from behind the bed. And one of the cans filled to the edges, through the gum gloves squeezed the foam, making bubble and bubble sounds.

No, Roma did not throw a drink. But it became a little gray.

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