Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant


How incomprehensibly beautiful and mysterious nature! You look at the plant, you think that this is a weed, and it turns out ... Shiny, a venger, Aksmitnik, cocks, a feline tail, felting tales - the names of this handsome plead. The familiar Flower Amarant stores for the eye for the eye of any dacket-grocery.

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

Mara - the goddess of death in the ancient Slavs. Amaranth literally means "denying death", the initial letter "A" and the name of the terrible goddess form a magical word hinting at immortality ...

Once Amaranth was the main food of Slavic peoples. To the reforms of Peter I, the peasants and other workers were distinguished by excellent health and were long-livers. Why did Peter forbade the plant and make bread from it? It is unknown, unfortunately. And it is a pity that everything is so happened, people lost too much, having ceased to eat Amaranth!

Seeds of Amaranth

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

The more scientists explore this plant, the more there are amazing facts. The unique qualities of the seeds and oil of Amaranth explored Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov in the 30s of the 20th century, but after his death, many works were lost. Only now we get acquainted with this natural pecker!

Useful properties of Amaranth

Absolutely all parts of the plant contain butter, starch, a variety of vitamins, trace elements, pectin, carotene, lysine, mineral salts. In Japan, Amaranth is valued for his superstalls as high as squid meat!

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

Seeds of wonder plants contain valuable oil. It is very tasty to use them into the food in a slightly fried form, they resemble cedar nuts to taste. Seeds can be added to any flour products, casseroles, cakes.

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

Amaranta leaves are rich in vitamin C, carotene, flavonoids, calcium, potassium salts, zinc, manganese. They are successfully used to treat pancreatitis, gastritis, diabetes, with tumors, kidney and liver diseases.

To taste the leaves are similar to the spinach. What can you cook from them? Soup, various salads, compote, tea, syrup, you can use the leaves as a filling for a cake and pancakes. Delicious and insanely useful food!

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

Amaranth oil is a source of squalene, a powerful antioxidant. Recently, scientists have found out that the squalene is contained in the human skin secretion. Amaranth oil wonderfully restores skin cover, heals the wounds, this product can be applied to externally and eat.

Eczema, fungal diseases, skin infections: all this will cure unmatched oil.

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

Infusions and brazers from Amaranth stop blood, treat liver and heart, gastrointestinal infections. Influence of the plant is treated in urinary incontinence in children.

The juice of the amaranth and a loss of greens can be used as a lotion, a face mask or a hair rinse balm. Biologically active substances act benevolent to skin cover, rejuvenate, give hair shine and elasticity. That's what he is, weed ...

Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs! That is why Peter I brutally banned the growing Amarant

Amaranth flour is made of seeds. This product does not contain gluten, so very useful products are obtained from such flour! Amaranth flour helps to reduce blood sugar, helps to lose weight, positively affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract

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