We make a doctoral sausage at home. Fast and tasty


In my piggy bank, this recipe is probably five years old. And for years, respectively, five we do not buy a doctoral sausage. It turns out very tasty. She is superbly going with sandwiches, in Olivier (in generally), fry with the scrambled eggs and just to get a sausage. From this set of products, about 900 grams of natural sausages are obtained. Cooking takes approximately half an hour. The photographer from me is Nikudny, so I ask not to kick for the quality of the photo - I don't even have myself, not to mention something more serious :)

Go :)

It will take: 500 gr. Meat (I have a chicken breast and pork, 250 gr.), Milk 400 gr. (gram and not milliliters), egg 1 pc., Starch 2 tbsp. l. without a slide, garlic 7-8 teeth, salt 2 tsp, sugar 0.5 ppm, black pepper 0.3 tsp, coriander 0.3 tsp, nutmeg 0.3 h ., Cardamom 0.3 tsp, paprika 0.3 cl.

Blender, smooth glasses (IKEEVSKI), Packaging film.

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

So. Meat. It must be regulated. I took in different variations. The most delicious thing for me is pork and chicken (250 gr.) And turkey and pork (300 + 200 gr.). Now I have a piece of cutting and half breast. Since the blender is small, then I do everything in two right. Half meat cut slices, put in a blender. We are 200 gr. Milk, half of all spices and starch tablespoon. It looks like that

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

And all this is nicely whipped. We whip up to the state of the snow-white mince.

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

From the second half the meat we do in the same way. We cut, add milk, starch, spices, do not forget about the egg, it is also there. And again we whip up to beautiful snow-white.

We mix both masses. If you have a bulk blender - then you don't have to mix anything. And I'm suffering :)

Now we need mugs. We lubricate them with sunflower oil. I need 6 Ikean mugs. Very comfortable. In each circle we impose our minced meal without reaching the top of about 3 centimeters. It will look like that

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

The husband comes in the game. My mission is completed. Mugs should be slaughtered by the food film so that the sausage does not run away. And she will try, believe my experience. It does not work for me, so I just come out and do not interfere. It is necessary to drag very well, a couple of layers. Once I decided to save on the film and kept in one layer. Film broke :(

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

These are tightly packed mugs. Usually all cooking goes 20 minutes.

Then we take a large saucepan, put the fabric napkin or lattice on the bottom. It is necessary so that the film does not come into contact with the bottom of the pan. This is necessary :) And we put our cups on this napkin. Fill with cold water about 2 \ 3 cups, cover the lid and put on a small fire.

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

As soon as it boils, they set up 40 minutes and go to do their own business. 40 minutes they boil there, boulevard, try to escape, in general live their lives. After 40 minutes, we turn off the gas, we carefully remove the cups, immediately remove the film and pull out the sausage. Immediately, because when it cools it - sticks to the cup. In the meantime, hot - herself jumps out :)

It turns out such beauty.

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

Yes. Pale. And it's not even pink. And some kind of white. But this is so tasty .... and the smell ... just do not convey words! Enjoy. Cut. Enjoy.

In the context looks like

We make a doctoral sausage at home. Quick and tasty cooking, cooking, doctoral sausage, do it yourself, long, recipe

I tried to add natural dyes, then scored on this business. Not in color the essence :)

I tried at the very end to add all sorts of fillers - olives, peppers, mushrooms, cheese and so on. We liked only sharp peppers. Mom is delighted with sausage with olives. In general, fantasy is really limitless. Now I specifically did without anything to show how it should be.

The fact that this sausage is delicious shop - it is 100%. It is not difficult to do and not long. Eats instantly. How much is stored - I will not say. We didn't lie for three days longer. The temperature in the mince at the time of delivery of about 95-97 degrees. Just in case, I measured the thermometer.

It seems more and nothing to say. Should we do, try and enjoy your appetite.

P.S. This is my first length. Please do not throw slippers, and if something is wrong - to say that I knew for the future.

All good.

P.P.S. Why did the Boyanometer issue a photo with a bunch of pigeons? Does he suspect something?

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