As grandmother taught home to come on time


Petya, home! - Woman called loudly from the balcony from the house opposite. - I'm talking to someone! Dinner is still! "Right now," the Pazanchik muttered in green shorts and went into the entrance to the entrance.

Like a grandmother taught a grandmother's home, history, facts, humor

"And I'm with a young, you can say, the nails have learned to come home in the evenings," Vladik his childhood told me.

- Grandmother taught. - Che, put in the corner?

- If! He sighed Vladik. - You remember my late grandmother?

- Did you have a Kazakh woman?

Magrip-Apa has always walked with a white headscarf head, in a long, to heaven, a green dress, and in Russian spoke although Boyko, but with an indescribable accent.

For example, she did not utter the "driver", but "Shopere" (that is, the letter "f" proven as "P", and the emphasis did on the first syllable). There was no magnipe-APA for some reason and the letter "B".

Their neighbor Volodya, she called the pain.

"Yeah," confirmed Vladik. - Cossack. And grandfather Khokhol.

Vladik externally went to his grandmother-Kazakh: dark-haired, cheeky, with rishered eyes. However, I never thought about his nationality, like he, I suppose about mine.

We had a shared courtyard, a common company, general games, and no longer needed to us. And when our family moved to the city, I really lacked that our cheerful company, and first of all Vladislav.


- Once my parents left for the wedding to relatives, "my friend of childhood continued his story. - The school year has already begun, so I and grandmother Magrip remained at home.

And here I played in our yard on the very first day and forgot what you need to go for dinner. And the grandmother called me from the balcony, two. And I zero attention.

And then the granny as a garking on the whole yard: - Bladik, go to go home! Smoking! Blyayayadik, home!

I rushed home as scratching, just a grandmother silent. And how I had to beat with the boys, so that they stop calling me a whistle ...

Cheating, I arrived Vladislav by the shoulders:

- Well, my dear ...

- Just try to melting my unforgettable grandmother, kill! - immediately interrupted my childhood friend.

- ... My dear Vladislav, went at the table! - I continued. - I was born toast: for our cute grandmothers.

"This is possible," Vladik sighed light easier. - Let's go!

- Listen, and she did not try to call you not shortened, but full name? - I asked innocently when we drank more in a gramwork.

- What is it like? Bladislab, or what? - Puzzyly asked Vladik.

First under the table crawled me ...

PS. Sorry, if someone seems not entirely censored, but I did not want to change words.

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