Russian useful hrenovushechka


Peter I punished the owners of the Street courtyards to have a minimum of 5 quarters of this drink, for frozen travelers. I was asked, and I will show how to cook it.

Russian useful grief food, healthy, drinks, do it yourself, do, hrenovuha

Why hrenovuha? Because hell! What is fuck? Horseradish Rustic - a spicy-aromatic long-term grassy plant related to the family of cruciferous. His relatives are mustard, cress, salad, radish. There are various allegations about the origin of Khrena. He was known to the ancient Romans and Greeks, Egyptians. The plant is easily propagating and is now found in many countries in the wild.

Russian useful grief food, healthy, drinks, do it yourself, do, hrenovuha

Most of the nerds consider Khrenov, the Russian spicy aromatic plant. From 1500 BC. Its like a dish and seasoning, one of the most bitter and sharp, used the Greeks. It was believed that hell not only excites appetite, but also activates vitality. Mazi was made to treat rheumatism.

Hall in Slavic peoples was the most common spice. They seasoned jelly, meat dishes, used cabbage, cucumbers for salting. Starting from the IX century, Slavs grown it as a cultural plant. Gradually, hell moved to Western Europe, where the Germans were addicted to him, calling him a few transformed Slavic word "roll". The XVI century in Germany began to cultivate this culture - using not only food seasoning, but also adding to beer, Schnaps, but also adding - And later began to export. Two centuries after the Germans followed the French.

Peoples of Northern Europe also knew this spice and used the root and leaves of the plant. Later, others became acquainted with the fucking British, who used it first as a medicinal agent against fever, to remove stones from bile liver ducts, as a means of improving hair growth. After a century, Khrena established himself in English cuisine. Written sources of the XVI century inform us that in Russian cuisine it was filed as an indispensable seasoning for a festive jelly; Stren, grated large tool - to the roasted pig.

In the food it was used mainly people engaged in hard labor (workers, farmers), and then he became the belonging of exquisite dishes (served to oysters, meat). Fuck was used in the manufacture of strong drinks, connecting with bitter wormwood and dosage pijma. The drink was disappeared by tired travelers. They grown hell near the innovations and hotels.

At all times, hell was used as a medicinal product, gradually began to enter into many drugs. Currently, horseradish is cultivated in many countries, most in Eastern and Northern Europe, USA (Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Wisconsin - Americans annually eat 6 million canned horseradan jars).

It has other names: Crane, Chrin (Ukr.) Natyag Ot (Azerb.), Gytyag OTU (Arm.)

So, we decided not to hurt in winter and prepare horseradish vodka - Hrenovukhu.

Russian useful grief food, healthy, drinks, do it yourself, do, hrenovuha

We need:

Vodka - 1 liter

Horseradish - dohrena, that is, gram 200-300

Honey is better floral, it will affect the color of the drink - 2 st.

Black and peas pepper - 3 things

Carnation dried - 1 bud.


Fuck thoroughly wash, cut into thin bars.

Hand warm.

Fold hell in Tara, pour honey, add carnation and pepper.

Pour half vodka, a carefully shake.

When the honey is mixed with vodka - pour the rest.

Once again, proclaiming and remove and remove the minimum for at least 3 months in a dark cool place.

Do not believe those who claim that the hrenovum is ready in a week. It is just a rock that needs to drink.

Good, the correct hrenovukha stands in the dark at least six months. During this time it will become soft, transparent and very useful.

Russian useful grief food, healthy, drinks, do it yourself, do, hrenovuha

Experience from life: My grandfather never drank pills from diarrhea, he was treated with vodka.

A glass of vodka, a teaspoon of black pepper, a teaspoon of salt.

Drink strictly before eating borscht.

By the way, he was treated in the same way.

And never took sick leave.

And Paled at the factory.

All my life, until death.

For you, so as not to be called!

Stay healthy, do not get sick and take care of yourself and your loved ones!

a source

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