Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply


Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply

Everyone knows that Parsley is widely used in cooking, as an indispensable spice to all first, second dishes and salads. But not everyone knows that this is a truly magic plant also has greatly proven itself in cosmetology. Most importantly, it is not necessary to make great efforts to use parsley at home, and simply crushed greens, root, stems, and you can make decoctions or squeeze juice.

Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply

The composition of parsley includes such a number of vitamins, minerals and useful substances, which this plant can be bolded to call the lacker from the bed. The spectrum of the application of parsley in cosmetology is quite wide, and the results are simply affected. Parsley masks are shown to confront: the first signs of aging; deep age wriggles; pigment spots and freckles; unhealthy face color; Dark circles and edema under the eyes; loss of the elasticity of the skin of the face; acne. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction, so prior to the use of masks from parsley, you need to test: grind the greens, apply a small amount on the wrist and just over the reaction. If there are no unpleasant sensations or burning sensations, then you can safely begin to rejuvenate procedures. The parsley and those ladies who care about their hair are useful. It is extremely useful to rinse her brake her lap, it will give indescribable radiance and power of hair.

And for the treatment of baldness, it is recommended to rub the grains of the plant in the scalp. Whitening effect of parsley for leather Many women after childbirth or in connection with age or hormonal changes are detected by pigment spots on the face. Of course, you can contact the salon and spend considerable money, and you can cope with this problem at home, resorting to the help of parsley, which in its composition contains the so-called "golden stock of vitamins". Parsley mask will make freckles and pigment stains less noticeable due to the content of calcium, phosphorus and ascorbic acid, it will easily make less noticeable freckles and pigment spots on the faces of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

How to choose a parsley for a mask it is preferable to use a plant grown independently. But those who do not have such an opportunity can choose a parsley in the market or in the store, just need to adhere to the following recommendations: do not choose a curly parsley, the usual variety will work perfectly; The twigs should be bright green, the presence of yellow leaves indicates that the plant is no longer fresh; No unpleasant smell should be present, Parsley must be disliked by the usual aroma. Preparatory procedures Before applying a mask from a parsley mask from parsley from pigment spots should be applied to the pre-prepared skin of the face. To do this, hold a number of procedures: with a lotion or milk to remove makeup to completely get rid of decorative cosmetics; wash using a special cleansing agent; Apply the exfoliating scrub and clean the pores, if there is time, you can break the skin of the face over the bath with the decoction of your favorite herbs. Before applying the mask, it is advisable to make a steam bath with a decoction of your favorite grasses The result from the mask will be maximal in case the skin of the face is completely cleaned, and the pores are disclosed. How to make a mask from parsley for face.

Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply


Before cooking a mask, acquired fresh parsley must be rinsed under the jet of flowing water and give a little to dry on the towel. Prepare dishes in which all components will be mixed, preferably a glass, wooden or ceramic pile. Masks are preparing in front of the application itself, as they do not have the shelf life. To combat pigment spots, there are five most popular masks from parsley, preparation recipes below. Mask №1 Bunch of greenery to chop with a knife or resort to the help of a meat grinder (blender), and you can be confused in a wooden mortar, obtained by Cashitz to apply on the face. You can do not only from leaves, but also from the stems and roots of parsley. A mask can be made not only from greenery, but from the roots and stalks of the plants of the mask №2 juice of parsley and sour cream (sour cream, kefir) in equal amounts. For oily leather, kefir is used, for normal - source, for oily - kefir. Mask №3 Petrushki juice and Natural Honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Mask №4 Dried parsley root has a maximum whitening effect. From it is preparing a decoction in compliance with the proportion of 1: 5. Gauze wipes, moistened in the brave, are imposed on the face. The action of the mask will increase if lemon juice add to the brave. Mask №5 Parsley juice and dandelion juice in proportion 1: 1. It will not be unfair to mention that in the fight against pigment stains, along with masks, even lotions, scales and ice cubes from parsley are used: decoction. For the preparation of brazers is used as a fresh plant (leaves, stems and root) and dried.

Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply

It will take: a glass of water plus 1 tbsp. Spoon of green parsley or her root. The process is simple, like all ingenious: boil, cool and strain. Miracle decoction can be washed, making compresses, and you can pour into molds and freeze; Cosmetic ice. Frozen cubes of the scope are the name of cosmetic ice, they wipe the face immediately after awakening and before bedtime; Cosmetic ice from the infusion or decoction of Parsley perfectly tones and whitens the skin of the lotion. Prepare lotion will also not be a great difficulty: about 100 g of miracle herbs mix with 0.5 liters of vodka, remove into a secluded place, inaccessible to the sunshine, let it brew about 14 days, after straightening and stored in the door of the refrigerator. Read the popular Article Categories: Cleansing the skin of the face Mask Black: How to make a black mask at home. Recipe, application, reviews. How to apply and how much to keep a mask from parsley before applying the mask It is worth completely removing the hair under the shower cap and take care of protecting your clothes in the case of drills; A mask of parsley from pigment stains is applied to the face with the help of a special cosmetic spatula, but when it can be used with a coffee spoon or simply hand; Parsley mask will help get rid of freckles and pigment stains at home traffic should be directed from the chin up to the nose, ears, from the forehead center to the temples, bypass the area around the eyes. Try to apply a uniform layer. If the consistency of the mask is rather liquid, then it is necessary to use gauze napkins, apply a mixture on them and attach to the face; After application, it is necessary to take a supine position (of course on the back), close your eyes and try to relax at the time of the mask - from 20 to 25 minutes.

Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply


In case of unpleasant sensations, itching or burning, should not withstand the last time, and immediately wash; In the presence of a wound, scratches, damage to a different nature, allergic manifestations on the skin of the face to conduct such procedures unacceptable. How and how to wash off the mask, washing the mask from parsley from pigment spots is carried out by ordinary water, soap and cleaning agents are not used. Larshs with dry skin can wash with warmer water, and cute ladies with oily skin, water temperature water. Washing the mask from parsley from pigment stains is carried out by ordinary water without the use of any cleansing means for washing. If there is time and desire, pre-prepare the chamomile infusion and finally rinse your face. Waving moisture with a towel, apply ordinary nutritional cream and drive it with light massage movements. What a course of masks is needed for visible effects procedure for applying masks to be carried out with regularity 1 time in 2-3 days, the duration of the course is a month. Following this, take a month break, and then to secure the result obtained - repeat again.

Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply

Since the purpose of applying masks from parsley is the fight against pigment stains, then consider such therapy with all seriousness and not to miss the procedures. Parsley In other recipes for leather masks, in addition to the whitening effect, parsley still pulls up and rejuvenates the skin of the face, restores the operation of the sebaceous glands, increases elasticity. A variety of masks from parsley just amazes. Mask Rejuvenating crushed greens - 0.5 stack. Mineral water - 05 stack. Apple vinegar - 2 tsp. Oils essential: jojoba and tea tree - 2 cap. This composition of the mask is simply unique, it not only contributes to the restoration of the tone, but also naturally pulls the mature skin. Mask from edema under the eyes There are no certain proportions, we take everything. We need a crushed fresh parsley root and pre-boiled green tea. Welcome a gauze napkin in tea, and on top distributing Cashitz from the root and apply to the eye area. A mask with a Cambrian clay powder Blue Cambrian clay is mixed with water in the calculation of 1: 1, then a finely chopped greens is added to this mixture (optionally replaced by 1 tsp. Soka). Mask for dry skin of the yolk and 1 tbsp. Crushed greenery plants mix, and the third ingredient take to choose from: Olive oil or Natural Honey in an amount of 1 tsp. Mask for oily skin Parsley juice and rowan - 1 tbsp. Vodka and fresh lemon juice - 1 tsp. Nature itself gives us everything you need to preserve female beauty and youth. Do not be lazy and necessarily pamper the skin of yourself any of the masks using parsley, and the result simply shakes you! Video materials on how to cook and use a parsley mask from pigment stains. Instructions for the preparation and use of a parsley mask in the fight against pigment stains:

Parsley mask from pigment spots. Cooking recipe and how to apply

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