Fake rice: how to recognize fake and not eat harmful synthetic on dinner


Fake rice: how to recognize fake and not eat harmful synthetic on dinner 11379_1

Fake rice - a new "horror" from the Internet.

Chinese "Fake" conquers peace. Fakes everywhere: Call from pockets of poor students, rest in the cosmetic bags of fashionistas at the bottom of their "branded" handbags and even fill the shelves of children's stores. But these are still flowers. Now the Chinese counterfeach reached the kitchen. In the network, there are increasingly alarming news about fake rice made from ... plastic. Recognize fake and not to eat synthetics for dinner, this is such a simple test.

Messages about false rice appear increasingly.

Messages about false rice appear increasingly.

You can say with confidence: by 2017 in China, they learned to fake absolutely everything. It seems not today, tomorrow people will begin to clone, whatever ethical standards say there. This year, a lot of exposure video appeared on the network about how in factory in China and Vietnam "Stamput" an unreal figure. According to eyewitnesses, the fake croup is made from Potato starch with a small admixture of plastic For perfect whiteness and elastic form. Although the percentage of plastic can not be great due to unprofitability, the very thought of synthetic rice somehow does not cause appetite. And therefore, rice suspicious origin is better (literally) to check for strength. And to arrange a "culinary inquisition" here such tests.

Test for fake №1: Water test

Will emerge or does not pop up?

Will emerge or does not pop up?

The easiest and most affordable way to calculate the impostor. Fill rice with water, hinder the spoon and leave for a couple of minutes. The real rice will remain at the bottom, and the rice from the starch and plastic will float on the surface. True, the reliability of the water test is not so great: even the most real, but thoroughly angry rice, can also emerge.

Test for fake №2: Testing fire

Do you feel the smell of plastic when burning?

Do you feel the smell of plastic when burning?

This test should be done with extreme caution. Type a small amount of rice (the spoon will be enough) and install it. Salted the smell of burned plastic? Then it is better to cook something else for dinner.

Test for fake number 3: Testing mold

The most reliable test for naturalness.

The most reliable test for naturalness.

Boil a small amount of rice, cool down and place in hermetic container. Do not put in the refrigerator. Forget about the dish for 2-3 days. The ordinary rice will cover mold, and the "plastic" will remain fresh and appetizing. Of course, there is no first sample nor the second. But this is the most reliable way to check the contents of the pack on naturalness.

Fake rice: how to recognize fake and not eat harmful synthetic on dinner 11379_6

In some countries, "fake" rice is quite easily.

Despite the abundance of reporting reports, rice suppliers convince that it is just urban legend . Her goal is to convince consumers to buy only products of local manufacturers. And, for example, in North Korea and the Philippines "fake" rice exists quite legally: it is made from the cheaper in those edges of Mais. But to trust or check - decide for yourself.

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