The newest quarrel - the hit season 2017. Oven on the table any dish!


The newest quarrel - the hit season 2017. Oven on the table any dish!

All sweet tooths love a charlotte. This lightweight and easy-to-cook apple pie is good almost to everyone except its appearance. We offer your attention hit season 2017 - the recipe of the newest quarreling, which will decorate any refined table.


Delicious apple quarreling

Ingredients for dough

  • 300 g of flour
  • 200 g sugar
  • 150 g of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 h. L. Basin
  • 1 Chipping salt
  • Zedra of one lemon
  • 4-5 large apples
  • Sugar powder for registration
  • Baking shape (approximately 24)

Ingredients for syrup

  • 400 ml of water
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 pinching cinnamon


  1. Void and dry apples. Do not cut the peel, apply them with thin slices of 2 mm. Bright red peel will make roses more interesting. You can alternate in one rose slices with red and yellow peel. It will take 7 slices to create one rose. Thick or uneven slices will go into a stinking filling. The remains of the apples have small pieces.

  2. Pour in a saucepan water, add sugar and cinnamon, put on fire and bring to a boil. When sugar is completely dissolved, put apple slices into the water, which will go to the manufacture of roses. Make the fire less and some more than a bit, until the apples become soft. Then get them and decompose, so that we are cooled and dry. We will still come in handy.
  3. Eggs with sugar, lemon zest and pinch salts. Add creamy oil and go on to beat. Add sainted flour and baking powder. Pretty mix.
  4. Pour a third of the height of the form, pre-stacking it with parchment paper. Lay out the layer of crushed apples. Pour the remaining dough over the apple layer.
  5. Now form Roses from apples . Lay out the 7 cooled apple slices of therapy. Run into the tube, as shown in the photo. Repeat procedure for other roses.

    Apples must

  6. There is another way to form roses. For it, puff pastry will be required, but the roses will turn out more neat.
  7. Spacing over the dough formed roses. To deeply immerse them in the dough it is not worth it, enough to keep them on the surface of the quarreling.
  8. Bake 30-35 minutes in a preheated oven at a temperature of 160 degrees. Focus on your oven. Charlike's readiness Check the toothpick.
  9. Before serving on the table, impregnate apple roses in advance with cooked syrup. You can decorate the pie from the sugar powder.


Such. Beautiful quarrel It will be a decoration of any festive table and cause a deserved delight of others!

Finished roses

Apple roses can be prepared separately, feeding to tea in the form of original cakes. Do not forget to share this recipe with your friends.

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