I don't buy tablets for dishwashers now, I do it myself


I try to buy a dishwasher in advance. But, the problems with the repair broke the usual routine of life. One beautiful day looked into the box with tablets for the dishwasher - and there is empty. We live in a residential area, there are no large stores nearby, so we buy on weekends. And the box was empty at the wrong time - on Wednesday.

I don't buy tablets for dishwashers now, I do it myself

Everything that is done is for the better

I began to search on the Internet - how to quickly make tablets for dishwashers. It turned out that it takes a little time, and how much money saves! If you are using such means, you know that 60 tablets cost at least 700 rubles. They are enough in our big family of five more than 1.5 months.

Now I post this money to accumulate on a new induction slab, which I have long been dreaming.

Recipes manufacturing tablets for dishwashers

The options of the self-made means turned out to be a lot. I will introduce you to those where the simplest ingredients are required.

I don't buy tablets for dishwashers now, I do it myself

Soda + children's powder + detergent

This recipe came up most of all because of its composition. It was these ingredients that were available at that time.

  1. Take 8 tbsp. l. Children's powder, 3 tbsp. l. Liquids for dishes, 2 tbsp.
  2. All thoroughly mixed, spread with your hands into a suitable plastic or silicone form.
  3. We leave dry and pills are ready, you can use.

I really liked the result. The dishes were laundered as well as with industrial pills.

Note! Do not immediately make a lot of money. Try one portion, please cook more. It's very fast.

I just plan to try the rest of the recipes to choose the best.

I don't buy tablets for dishwashers now, I do it myself

There are more options.

Soda + citric acid + salt


  • Soda - 1 st
  • Salt cook -1 st
  • Water - 1st
  • Lemon Acid - Half Glass


  1. Heat soda (1 cup) in the oven for 30 min at a temperature of 200 degrees. So that it is not burned - mix.
  2. Pour the heated, ordinary soda, salt, lemon in a bowl and pour part of the water. The mixture will begin to foam. When the foam subsides, we pour the remaining water.
  3. All mix well and form tablets, laying them into a shape of silicone or for ice.
  4. After 30-40 minutes, free the tablets from the form and fold into the dry jar.

Mustard + soda


  • Mustard powder - 2 tbsp
  • Soda - 1st.L.
  • Hot water - 1.5 tbsp
Stir everything and fold into forms.

Powder + Salt + Vinegar

  • Salt Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Washing powder - 2 tbsp
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp

Well mixed mixture lay out in forms for complete drying.

Powder + soda + glycerin

Take 160 grams of washing powder, mix with 40 grams of soda calcined and add 5 grams of glycerol. Mix the mixture well and spread the molds.

Homemade tools are safer

All the above recipes are much safer in composition than industrial dishwashers. Therefore, you will not only save money, but also save your family's health.


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