The unique cap oven Kuznetsov - heats, cooks, does not require frequent cleaning!


The unique cap oven Kuznetsov - heats, cooks, does not require frequent cleaning!

This stove is the newest development in the conservative sector: installation and design of furnaces.

The cap furnaces are one of the most common and in terms of characteristics are not inferior to cabbage furnaces. This stove is the newest development in the conservative sector: installation and design of furnaces. This stove is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of using hot gas. In the design of the standard type, the movement of cold and hot gas is due to the thrust of the air, the receipt of which occurs through the ash bar.

Kuznetsov cap oven is a highly efficient design, which uses fuels of different types. I.V. Kuznetsov began to study the construction, design and improvement of brick stoves in a thousand nine hundred and sixty second year. The master created the technology that is unique, namely the system of "free gas movement". In this system, the heated gases are circulated due to their own strength of gravity. This is a completely new and fundamentally different kind of stoves, because in traditional structures there is a compulsory movement of gases.

Views and Pluses of Caps

Pros stoves are to:


long-term maintenance of heat;

small soot formation;

lack of frequent cleaning;

Ability to select forms and design.

The unique cap oven Kuznetsov - heats, cooks, does not require frequent cleaning!

According to functions, they can be divided into the following groups:

Heating furnaces. The main task of such ovens is heating rooms.

Hobs. They are used for cooking. This also includes bread stoves and stoves that are adapted under Kazan.

Bath stoves.


Barbecue and grills.

Combined complexes and designs.

The most common are hobs and heating furnaces Kuznetsov. They are capable not only to warm the house, but the food on them is amazingly delicious.

There are a lot of varieties of cap oven, they differ in size, functionality and styles. Despite this, the principle of which the data of the furnace does not change never.

The cap ovens can be erected in almost any premises. It may be an apartment, a residential building, a shopping building or a bath. For example, for a bath, the cap will become the perfect replacement of the usual standard stove.

By building this stove for the bath, you can solve several problems at once. This design is able to warm up several rooms: washing and steam room, as well as a living room. In addition, it is very convenient to warm up water on the furnace, creating parallel to steam in the required quantity.

In the house you can equip two-collide heating with a furnace, this installation is very functional. Before building such a design, it is necessary to carefully work out the project. The system that burns raw fuel needs to be organized with the most optimal way. In the oven, it is necessary to always maintain the right temperature, otherwise the gases that are formed after burning can transform into malicious waste and resin.

How to fold ovens

With your own hands to fold the oven Kuznetsov is not difficult. The following information will be required for the correct construction:

Gas is able to fill out any volume that will be provided. Accordingly, the shape of the cap does not matter, it can be of any size.

The walls of the cap are equally heated in each horizontal section. The upper part of the tank is the hottest.

The heat source can be placed arbitrarily, but it must be located in the lower tier of the cap.

It is possible to use several thermal sources.

The unique cap oven Kuznetsov - heats, cooks, does not require frequent cleaning!

It is not recommended to make your own object if this is the first masonry experience. First, it is difficult, and secondly, there is a high probability of mistake. It is better to use ready-made planks, they are on the Internet. Do not choose some complex structures at once, it is better to start with something simple.

In order to fold the Kuznetsov furnace, necessary:


Metal wire;

Steel corner;

Stove casting: doors, valve and grille grate. Confusing, accommodation and cooker;

Sand. It must be purified, it should be more clay twice.

The solution intended for masonry (water, clay and horse manure). Clay should be refractory;

Drill with a nozzle mixer or perforator;


Steel plate;

Brick is full, intended for these works. Brick should be refractory. And also requires a brick for masonry outside.

A finished chimney can replace clay and sand, you can buy it in a construction store. In this mixture, all proportions are already observed. To serve the oven for a long time, all materials should be high quality.

Cap oven do it yourself: recommendations

A person who will first put the stove need to learn to be a bricklayer. It is recommended to first read the book and get acquainted with the information on the Internet. It is not necessary to cherish, you need to calmly and slowly start laying out the brick according to the scheme number behind next.

It must be remembered:

When heated, the brick is heated. Accordingly, the inner shell, which is a refractory must have empty space from all sides.

Mandatory every third row should be laid with a wire made of metal, it will make a ligament stronger.

All metal elements, including the door, must be installed, taking into account their expansion at high temperatures. Metal and brick need to be divided by a special gasket.

When all the work is completed, it is recommended to treat the brick with a special refractory composition.

Fingering the furnace is necessary with small heating, it is necessary to increase strength gradually.

The unique cap oven Kuznetsov - heats, cooks, does not require frequent cleaning!

The beginners should be remembered that between the first two tiers, the gasket goes to a quarter of the brick, it increases the furnace in length. The overlap of the top must be done at the seventeenth and eighteenth co-order, and for twenty-first order, two passages should be left along the lateral interior walls. All apartments are indicated in the drawings and, as a rule, does not cause difficulties.

After the masonry is finished, you need to carry out the first extract. It is necessary to use the minimum amount of fuel, because the heating should pass gradually and slowly. During the first furnace, the work of the furnace is checked, its firing and tightness of all seams occurs, especially where there are valves and doors installed. If some shortcomings suddenly find, they immediately need to be eliminated.

To avoid cracks in the stove and her skew, it is necessary to put it on a solid foundation. The finished building has a fairly solid weight, so it is necessary to approach the foundation very seriously. It is recommended to lay a concrete foundation even during the construction of the house. The width of the foundation should be ten centimeters more than the design of heating. Embed independently into your finished house oven is difficult, it is recommended to use the help of professionals.

Foundation for the Kuznetsov furnace

To raise the foundation with your own hands, the following tools and materials are necessary:

bayonet and soviet shovel;

Cement mortar (for three parts of the sand should have one part of the cement);


a rod reinforcing having an average size;

Formwork wooden;

Polyethylene film.

The unique cap oven Kuznetsov - heats, cooks, does not require frequent cleaning!

At first it is necessary to dig a pit of the desired perimeter. Next, you need to pour fifteen sand centimeters to the bottom of the pit and leave everything for two days, in order to donkey sand. This will make the oven more stable. It is recommended that the noque is from plywood, but you can use old doors, unnecessary boards and other wooden products. This will not affect the final result of construction.

Often, rods with an average thickness are used for reinforcement, but it is not forbidden to use more subtle bars. The solution must be poured slowly. To remove excess air from the solution, it must often be mixed with a shovel. After the fill is finished, you need to leave the solution and give it to harden. Typically, the solution is hardening for a week, but it happens that it is necessary to wait for two and three weeks. Do not hurry in this matter, because therefore how strong the foundation will depend on the reliability of the stove.

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