Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea


Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea
Very convenient, with a large number of branches, at the same time, the compact and stylish Ikiev organizer of "Book" can be elementary to repeat with your own hands! It is much cheaper and more interesting. Repeat such an organizer from the cardboard!

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

Take a tight cardboard with the sides of 24 * 27 cm. Return 13 cm and spend lines. To the central glue cardboard 27 * 15 cm.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

On the sides, glue a double cardboard (two identical parts glued together) with parties 24 * 15.5 cm. At the center of the edge, glue a small double cardboard 15 * 13 cm.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

Finally, cut and glue the base of the organiser with the parties 29.3 * 15 cm.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

It turns out such a design. Lower two compartments - for future extended boxes. Now we plan the upper narrow nominal compartment. We glue the cardboard with the parties 27 * 15 cm. From above, 2.5 cm of empty space remains on top.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

We put the organizer on the edge so that the remaining empty space of 2.5 cm turned out to be top. We divide it visually in half, we close the wall with a narrow, but long cardboard 27.5 * 2.5 cm. On the left, we glue the cardboard 14 * 2.5 cm, which divides the left half still in half. Then, on top and bottom, we glue the pieces of cardboard 7 * 2.5 cm. Close the partition in the center 14.5 * 2.5 cm.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

The upper part of the organizer, as well as the internal branches are ready. Therefore, make the drawers. Let's start with the oblong, for which the place remains. To a narrow piece of cardboard 26 * 5 cm we glue parts on the sides 14 * 5 cm, then we glue the base 25 * 14 cm. Close the front wall on the right (28 * 7 cm), which will be outside when the box is extended.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

Now all parts of the organizer must be saved with a napkin and plow glue.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

When the design is driving, apply putty and acrylic varnish.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

It remains only to collect square pull-out boxes for the lower branch of the organizer. Squares 12 * 12 cm are drawn and cut, as shown in the photo below.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

Each item is wrapped with jute and fix the thread with hot glue.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

We collect details together.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

Glue the walls with each other. Also do not forget to glue bottom.

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

To the narrow retractable compartment we glue the handle. Insert lower retractable square boxes. Organizer "Book" is ready!

Repeat the organizer from IKE is easy! Useful cardboard idea

For details on how to make a "book" organizer, see the video below:

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