Second life of the kitchen sponge



If you think that the kitchen sponge is needed only for washing the dishes, then you are mistaken. Thanks to this simple subject, you can significantly simplify the maintenance of life. The following unexpected methods for using ordinary kitchen sponge will give up every modern hostess ...

1. As a means of bruises and swelling


Immerse the sponge into the water, then place it in the sealed plastic package and send to the freezer to the freeze chamber. Use such a means to remove swelling and bruises. The benefits of such a device lies in the fact that when water pulls off, it will remain in the sealed package, without emerging out.

2. Remove katoshkov from old things


Thanks to the textured scrub, you can remove katips from an old sweater or another little worn things.

Just treat a sponge zone where the thread or yarns are scrambled into the rollers and carefully remove them from the surface of the worn out.

3. For watering plants


If you put a sponge on the bottom of the pot, it will absorb the excess water during watering. This method will help prevent the root rot from the excess moisture.

In addition, such a sponge serves as a reserve in case, for example, you forgot to pour a plant and drove on vacation. Therefore, before planting the plant, place a pot on the bottom of the pot, cut out on the bottom of the bottom.

4. Collect wool and fluff from animals from carpets


The wet sponge is a great tool and an indispensable thing needed for cleaning carpets and stretching hair and wool from your carpet fibers.

5. Safety pads


If you store or transport fragile things, say, ceramic, glass or clay product, place such spongats around the beating things.

Thus, you will avoid the fact that a thing will break down or some part will have any part.

6. Stand for an umbrella


Place the sponge into the bottom of the stand for the umbrella. Thus, you protect the bottom from moisture, dampness and mold.

It is much easier to remove the old sponge and replace it with a new one than to regularly clean the stand.

7. Device for removing nail polish


The next trick saves a large number of cotton disks, which are spent on removing varnish from the nail surface.

Place the kitchen sponge (after precipating it in size and impregnating in the liquid for removing the varnish) into the capacitance with the lid. When you need to remove the nail polish, just stick your fingers into the resulting device and make circular movements several times.

Try to keep the container closed so that the tool does not eat, change the sponges as needed.

8. Protection of the surface of furniture from scratches


Before putting a vase or another heavy item, able to break or scratch the coffee table, attach several pieces of the sponge to the bottom.

Thus, you will prevent possible damage or scratches on the surface of the table in touch with a heavy object.

9. Closes the slots in the windows


If you feel that it is swaying from the windows, just close the slit pieces of such a sponge. So warm air is preserved indoors.

10. Divider fingers on the legs


Home pedicure will be easier if you place the sliced ​​pieces of such a sponge between your fingers.

So fingers on the legs will acquire the required distance for convenient varnish. Varnish is not lubricated and staining everything around. When the pedicure is driving, carefully remove the pieces of the sponge.

11. Sponge for seed germination


You can use a wet sponge for germination of seeds!

Choose fast-growing seeds, such as flax, radish, salad, alfalfa or mustard. Place the seeds on the wet sponge, then put it on the plate.

Cover the plate inverted glass bowl or lid and place it in a sunny place where the straight sun rays fall. When the seedlings are good, you can enjoy shoots and transplant them to a pot so that they grow further.

12. Smells absorber in the refrigerator


Sprinkle wet (not wet) sponge food soda and place it in the refrigerator. She will absorb smells and relieve trouble in the refrigerator.

Soda boxes are enough for a long time.

13. To clean narrow necks


Scotch and fix the sponge at the end of the long stick. Use such a fixture for cleaning and drying narrow vases and containers.

14. Podkolennikov


You can use a couple of sponges as knee pads when cleaning floors, gardening or repair. The sponges attached to the knees will become a kind of shield and protect their knees from injuries and scratches.

15. Call and scratch protection


Protect your hands if you work in the garden or garden. Wooden handle Rabel or shovel can cause a caulio or corn. Wrap the knob with a sponge or two sponges, then fasten them either with scotch, or fixing rubber bands.

16. Sponge for wetting fingers


If you have a big stack of letters or postcards you want to sign or send, you should not use saliva and language for separation. Just take a wet sponge and make your fingers in it.

You can also use a wet sponge for wetting the tape when sealing the envelope.

17. Soft designer


Cut several different colored sponges on narrow strips or molds. Such a soft designer will become safe quiet construction blocks for your kids.

18. Support for soap


After each wash washing or taking the soul, lay soap over the sponge. So it is better to continue. Such a reception will allow the soap to dry faster, as well as minimize the mess in the bathroom.

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