Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

"I do dolls because I strive for integrity. I need everything or nothing, "said Marina Bychkov about his work - one of the most famous and recognized puppets in the world.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

"Enchanted Dolls" (Enchanted Dolls) Marina Bychkova - not toys. These works of art that united the work of the artist, sculptor, designer, designer, engineer, philosopher and much more. Each of them has its own name, its own story, its meaning, its own world.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Marina dolls adore, praise, buy for insane money. They are also mercilessly copied and give it ideas for their own. Of course, many novice masters would like to be like Marina, because it is difficult to avoid the temptation to take ready. But for the artist is a dead end. Inspiration comes at the price of long and hard labor. Miracles do not happen. The story of Marina is confirmation.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Doll "Stockholm Syndrome"

She does not learn others to live and create, but talks a lot about himself and his work. Marina's life and acts are beautiful, lively illustrations for the book of her success. Every day she reveals the secrets of their skill, you just need to watch carefully.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Tastes could not be discussed

A real artist can make us love what he loves. How? He just gives us to look at the world with your own eyes.

Marina's beautiful dolls, fragile, fabulous and at the same time very earthly. And they are still unpatched Russian, as if they were held in the hands of Vasnetsov or Vrubel. After all, Marina embodied their addictions and tastes in these fragile porcelain figures. Therefore, they are so easy to love, they live a piece of real Marina.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Inspiration and copying

"I recently realized that, perhaps, accidentally reproduced the wonderful illustration of Sullaf Wolfing, which for a long time I had on the shelf. This made me think about other images that I see every day, "I assign", I process in my head and then I use it at work. And how to know how every creature is the fruit of my imagination, and how much is the picture I saw at the age of 5, the book, read at 7 or a film, impressive little girl many years ago. "

These words of Marina only confirm the well-known fact. Creating your own - this is the next step after observing and admiring the creations of others. Watch, learn, enjoy life, and then follow our own way - the stages of the formation of the artist.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Chinese actress fan bingbing


The story knows self-taped nuggets in different fields. But most often for good results there is a serious training. Marina Bychkov not only studied at the famous Institute of Art and Design Emily Carr, but also studied jewelry. She constantly takes lessons and master classes in a wide variety of areas. That is why there is no negligence in her dolls - each detail is made professionally.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Productivity and creative atmosphere

Marina lives in an urban apartment, she has no own garden, but one day she read that seeing plants and be close to them - favorably affects emotional state and productivity. Now she has more hundreds of indoor plants - a whole apartment garden! After all, it is very important to work in a comfortable and inspiring atmosphere.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Timely break

A talented man is talented in everything. Marina reached unprecedented vertices in a puppet case, but she has many other creative projects. Once, she understood that "burns out." And it will not be able to draw any puppet cilia more. She urgently needed a break. Marina took a creative vacation and was engaged in the most diverse things for several months - made the furniture, ordered their collections and even ordered his coloring on Amazon. And then with new forces returned to his favorite dolls.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Madame Pompadur


Marina dolls are not just beautiful porcelain pieces. Each of them is the idea. With their help, Marina leaves messages: they talk about the problems of women in modern society, about creative difficulties and crises, good and evil. These are not ideal creatures from the fantastic world - they have scars and tattoos, they cry and sad.

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


The game

And yet these are dolls. Their main difference from sculptures or paintings - they really can be played. On the site, Marina gives detailed instructions, as you can and how can not be played with dolls. After all, they are porcelain, which means durable, but fragile. Therefore, you need to handle it very carefully. Children dolls of Marina usually do not buy.

Dolls are mobile, can take realistic postures, they are incredibly photogenic. They can be considered, plant and put in a wide variety of postures, photograph. And of course, infinitely admire them!

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

North Cinderella

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

"Stockholm syndrome"

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!

Madame Pompadur

Magic dolls of Marina - no magic!


Such a short and long way

"The path in a thousand lee begins with one step," says the old Chinese proverb. The story of Marina Bychkova That is confirmation. On her website you can find photos of her first work. They are not at all like masterpieces that the artist is doing now. They have many shortcomings, there is still no unique, individual style for which the dolls of Marina Bullkova are so appreciated.

But the puppet is not shy of this. After all, her skill is the fruit of painstaking work, long studies, attempts, reflections. This can only be proud of it. Undoubtedly, Marina is talented, but it is also incredibly hardworking, stubborn and purposeful.

And when we see this miracle, this way in a thousand lee, passed by another person, we understand that everything is real. We just need to try to very much!

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