Dacha will begin to select


Do not be afraid, worrying too early, it is only a bill. Probably, in the government, they understand that the days of the old team are considered, so they try to suck out the most popular draft law on the demolition of cottages and seizure of sites.

The country is actively trying to get off the oil needle and so far the best way to collect real estate taxes is recognized. The scheme is simple, if you have time to declare your unrecorded property before the end of the year, then pay only for the last year, but if this does not happen and the property will find tax authorities, pay for the past three years + fine 20% of this amount.

But this is an old topic and many know about it. The news is that from the first of July 2018 the owner of the Earth, who did not demolish the unauthorized construction within the prescribed period, may not only get a fine, but also lose its site.

This is a new package of bills. Unauthorized admits the construction, erected on the plot, which was not officially decorated or on a plot that is not intended for construction. Also, the house is considered to be a house that has been erected with violation of urban planning and other requirements.

Samostroy will need to be demolished or reconstructed at the expense of the owner. In the Civil Code, a norm may appear, which allows the ownership of the owner to land, in time did not fulfill the decision on demolition or reconstruction. On the demolition will be given three months, to restructure from six months to three years. Decisions on demolition will take courts.

Thus, the mechanism of stimulation of the design of country buildings was invented. Now, while the building is not issued, you do not need to pay the tax. However, the essence of the law is that everything will have to execute everything to pay tax, well, or demolish at its own expense, in the extreme case you will remain without a plot.

Pictures on request cottages will be taken to select

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