Errors in the interior - kitchen


The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Everyone furnits the kitchen based on their own considerations of beauty and practicality. This room is the soul of the house, followed by constant care. That is why it is so important to properly combine the surface and place furniture in the kitchen.

We will tell you about some of them, so that the kitchen makes the stay on it as comfortable as possible, and cooking is pleasant.

How to furnish the kitchen

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

The color, shape and distance should be the three parameters on which the atmosphere of the coziness will hold. Let's proceed?


Let's start with the fact that if minimalism and can be justified somewhere completely, it is in the kitchen. The fewer objects for which you can cling to, the better. First of all, it concerns massive handles for retractable lockers, which look like crossbars.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

The same applies to the opening door of the locker. It is best for concrete deepening - they are neither to cling to nor hit.

Standing in the kitchen table should not occupy half of the space. The less it will be, the greater the kitchen will seem. Even better, if the table itself is a continuation of the table top.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...


Think out the placement of the working area in advance, otherwise you risk sacrifice convenience. Try the triangle scheme: worktop, sink and refrigerator It is advisable to be placed in one of the corners of the kitchen at a short distance from each other. It will greatly simplify the movement.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Another important point: the height of the working zone should be selected for growth. For example, the standard is 85 centimeters, but high people are not always convenient to work at such a height. It is possible to achieve the desired mark at the expense of the tabletop and the base.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Color and coating

One of the reasons why the design of the kitchen interior may be unsuccessful - incorrectly selected colors and materials. Let the glossy coatings and look beautiful, but the slightest imprint spoils the whole picture. Cleanliness in the kitchen, of course, is obligatory, but I would not like to clean up three times a day. Matte wooden surfaces are suitable better than others.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Colors It is advisable to choose a middle tone. The bright decoration visually expands the room and fills it with light, but be careful: nothing white near the stove. Light inserts away from this zone will be practical.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Refrigerator and stove

Two equally important opposites that should not stand nearby. Naturally, the refrigerator heats up from the stove, but this moment some overlook because of the inattention or the fact that the planning was not thought out in advance.

If there is no other place, the output is possible. Get a special locker for the refrigerator, which will protect it from the heat of the plate.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Cabinets and shelves

When clearing the kitchen, it is important to dispose of space with the mind. Using cabinets half of the possible height, you lose another half.

Retractable or opening? Retractable. Opening such a locker, you immediately get access to the whole content, and you do not need to post the objects standing ahead to get to the grater lost in the depths.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

Threat to small things

As we have said, the kitchen needs to be planned. At the same time, it is important not only to decide on the location of the furniture. What about the sockets? How are household appliances? These two items are lost among the selection of massive cabinets or tables.

Leave the place for the toaster and microwave, be sure to display the sockets so that they do not get into the eyes. Built-in household appliances and sockets will be an ideal solution for any kitchen.

The grandmother was terribly terribly watching, but the old woman surprised the whole relatives ...

As you can see, a good kitchen is definitely not a coincidence or chance, but a highly planned space. Optimize it as much as possible, and you yourself will be surprised, what pleasure it will bring every day.

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