How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds: step by step instructions


How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

Surely, in each house among bed linen there is a sheet on the rubber band. Each hostess knows that this is a very comfortable and practical thing, but how much hassle gives her folding with a smooth rectangle! The gum constantly looks out, which is why it seems that in the closet mess. How to keep yourself nerves and folded the sheet on a rubber band in just half a minute, see below.

Disseminate sheets on the rubber band.

Disseminate sheets on the rubber band.

First of all, it is necessary to disseminate the sheet. It can be a table or bed.

Ends of sheets need to be hidden in each other as in pockets.

Ends of sheets need to be hidden in each other as in pockets.

Now you need to push your hands into two lower corners of the sheet and put them in two tops as in pockets.

Need to turn inside the parts of the sheet.

Need to turn inside the parts of the sheet.

Next, we turn inside the upper part of the sheet, as shown in the picture. The lower part is placed on top and smooth out folds. Now it remains only to fold the sheet into a square (or rectangle) also, as they do with ordinary sheets without gum.

The lower part of the sheets are stacked from above and smoothing the folds of the folds.

The lower part of the sheets are stacked from above and smoothing the folds of the folds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

How to fold the sheet on the rubber band in just 30 seconds.

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