How to repair a LED lamp


Not all LED lamps fully work out the manufacturer's declared period, and their quality from different manufacturers is also different. Moreover, the quality of the lamps even one and the same manufacturer also depends on the line of the lamps, that is, the price category.


It's a shame, of course, when the LED lamp, which cost you 150 rubles. (Or so), worked for only one and a half or two years, and in gentle mode, and failed, without spending its own, but most of these lamps can be repaired.

Here, for example, at the Jazzway R50 ECO LED lamps with a capacity of 3.5 W, the problem is almost always the same, it lies in a faulty LED and is not so rare.


In the design of this lamp, 24 SMD3014 LEDs are used (a denomination of 0.1 watts). Most likely, the reason is uncomfortable for LEDs mode due to the lack of an aluminum radiator, and accelerate them above the nominal.

Here are signs pointing to the burnt LED:

  • The lamp begins to work in the backlight mode;
  • The lamp ceases to work at all, although the smell of Gary is missing, and damage on the lather itself is not noticeable;
  • The LED on the board darkens or there are margin of burnout.

Algorithm of actions:


  1. Using a simple indicator screwdriver, remove the flask from the lamp. This is easy, since the diffusers are currently manufactured from polycarbonate. But if he is soldered into the lamp housing, then nothing can be done.
  2. Usually manufacturers practice a sequential connection of LEDs on the LED card, so if one of them fails, the entire chain stops working and, as a result, the lamp itself. So your task is to find a faulty LED. Sometimes the burnt LED can be detected visually, otherwise you will have to check each multimeter.
  3. After you reveal a faulty LED, remove all the LEDs from the board and replace the faulty LED new. There is another way - to repaid the contacts of the LED. After completing the repair, close the chain and check the lamp - now it should earn.


An even more frequent cause of the release of the LED lamp is a condenser (usually cheap Chinese), which has simply overwhelmed. The easiest way to replace it with a new one, the benefit of the item is cheap.

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