Favorite Tulle will become white new - all yellowness will leave without a trace with one interesting ingredient. He has 100% in your house!


The yellowed tulle is very sad against the hostess. The curtain is all so complete, beautiful, the interior is perfect, just a couple of years hung on the window - and now! Although she regularly, it regularly, but still - the shade became gray-yellow and looks like the grandmother's chest is pulled out. No comulfo is obtained.

Well, not to throw it away! Moreover, the new tulle is now a pleasure to be cheap. Therefore, we recommend it once to use this simple method from the Soviet past - then the snow-white curtain was a symbol of wealth in the house and showed that the mistress is height. So I tried to find a way to give even the old taulus the ideal look, despite his many years of age and imperceptibly custodial holes.

How to return to the tulle cheese

Step 1. To the evening, you take off your curtain, on the street it shake it out of dust. Then in the pelvis or bath to open the water about 30-35 degrees, soak tulle and leave until the morning.

Step 2. Water to merge, pour 3 tbsp. Any washing powder, pour hot (up to 50 degrees - no more!) - And leave until next morning.

Step 3. Morning of the second day. Tulle rinse and fall asleep with a powder and pour hot water. Leave.

Favorite Tulle will become white new - all yellowness will leave without a trace with one interesting ingredient. He has 100% in your house!

Step. 4. Evening of the second day. Tulle is very good to crawl several times in warm water. Self in the pelvis. Add 3-4 water (so that the whole cloth is covered with water). In a jar of 0.5 l pour warm water, pour 3 tbsp. With a riding salt, to stir well, then drop 4-5 drops of the greenstone (this is our secret ingredient), stir, pour into the pelvis. Transfer Tulle in this solution a couple of times - to withstand 3 minutes. Then rinse the bathroom twice and hang on drying.

Step 5. To admire the flawless whiteness of its curtain and catch the envious views of the neighbors.

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