9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed


9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

Usually all edible products we eat in food and only it is quite expected and logical. But it is hardly for you will be the discovery that, for example, potatoes can be used not only for direct purpose, but also let's say to get rid of rust or adapt it to clean the kitchen appliances. Agree, such thoughts few people can come to mind! We offer you to learn 9 alternative ways to use conventional potatoes who will use you in everyday life.

Get rid of rust

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

The folk remedy for the removal of rust from the frying pan is raw potatoes with salt.

Cut it in half and dip in the liquid for washing dishes, salt or soda. Smooth surface of the TRADE rusty areas of dishes.

Clean kitchen appliances

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

Do not drain the water left after potato cooking: it will be possible to soak silver cutlery in it. All darkened forks and spoons will return their original color in a few minutes, and the flare and stains dissolve.

By the way, if you need to clean the burnt saucepan, boil the water in it, adding potato cleaning.

We grow roses

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

A completely fabulous way to apply potato tubers - growing roses. The cutlets stuck in the center of the vegetable grows faster, because the plant takes extra moisture and nutrients directly from potatoes.

Saw soup

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

If at the last moment you found that they strongly reduced the soup, it is easy to fix with several potato tubers.

Add a few potatoes to the soup and sake a while: Vegetables will take extra salt, and the dish will be saved.


9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

Another reason does not pour water after the cooking potatoes - hair care. Potato water is perfectly suitable for rinsing hair, but keep in mind that cooking vegetables are necessary without salt, and before use it is pretty cool.

After washing the hair, use decoction of potatoes for rinsing hair: it will contribute to their strengthening and give them a healthy, natural shine.

Bruisies under the eyes

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

Due to the high content of vitamin C, different nutrients and starch, potatoes are perfect for face care.

It will help get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes: for this daily for 15-20 minutes, put under the eyes of a good young potato mug - a nice result will delight you in about a week.

Shining skin

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

For the skin of the face, masks from potatoes are very useful: they remove inflammation, smoothed scars, nourish, clean, rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

There is a mass of recipes of vegetable masks for the face: a cucumber-potato mask-mask is suitable for dry skin, for oily - potato carrot with the addition of wheat flour, for a combined or normal - simple potato mashed potatoes without additives, but from a tea false lemon juice.

Remember what those who have sensitive skin are not recommended to make masks from raw potatoes: it acts more aggressively than boiled, and may cause irritation.

Cleansing the body

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

Potato cleans the body well and at the same time quickly ensures it necessary vitamins, and also helps to normalize metabolism: that is why there are many detox diets based on this vegetable.

The easiest way to quickly unload your body - within 3 days there are only boiled or baked potatoes and not forget about water with lemon.

Upper respiratory diseases

9 unusual ways of using potatoes that you have not even guessed

Potato pairs are advised to inhale those who suffer from a cold or colds - such inhalation will also become excellent first assistance in the development of the disease. Keep the potatoes in the uniform (to enhance the anti-stroke effect you can add eucalyptus butter) and ride over the decoction of 10-15 minutes.

Compresses based on boiled potatoes will perfectly help with chronic cough.

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