13 most crazy lifehams!


There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution. And here we come to the paradox - how to act in such situations, when the fiction was beyond creativity, but everything seems to work?

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13 most crazy lifehams!
Well, the door remains closed!
13 most crazy lifehams!

Glows? Is it still necessary?

13 most crazy lifehams!

Well, not in the hole boost

13 most crazy lifehams!

And how does it work?

13 most crazy lifehams!

Clip is always in the house there

13 most crazy lifehams!

Gol on fictions of the cunning - exactly in size!

13 most crazy lifehams!

And what else to do if the seat is disgusting and cold?

13 most crazy lifehams!

He sits so calmly next to this window in the plane

13 most crazy lifehams!

If there is no garbage bucket

13 most crazy lifehams!

Russian numbers - what is surprised?

13 most crazy lifehams!

Learn to eat chopsticks - you get a habit for life

13 most crazy lifehams!

Do it yourself with your own hands very simple

13 most crazy lifehams!

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